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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Devising Proper Weight Loss Programs

Being overweight is not only a cosmetic issue, but such a condition can lead to possibly ominous diseases as well. With the obesity rate rising to an alarming number, more and more individuals find different means to lose excess pounds. In this day and age wherein adhering to a healthy diet is easier said than done due to the influx of unhealthful food products in the market aggravated by an inactive lifestyle caused by being constantly stuck in the office, a large percentage of individuals have weight problems. There are countless ways of losing weight. Some people join the bandwagon of fad diets and others resort to quick-fix but hazardous diet pills.

Others take slimming teas or bars and meal substitutes. But what really is the proper way to lose weight? One thing is certain. Losing weight must not happen in an instant. If it happens in an instant, then the recourse taken must be unhealthy. The principle behind a healthy weight loss is to lose pounds gradually over time and to lose them permanently. It should be a combination of a diet sufficient in essential nutrients and a regular exercise regimen such as those implemented in weight loss programs. These programs are devised plans to safely and effectively lose weight.

The whole process aims in eliminating pounds in a healthy way. Initially when starting on weight loss programs, individuals should set small, realistic and attainable goals. The whole process of losing pounds should happen gradually and preferably with an active lifestyle as people who are sedentary would need more effort to get rid of unwanted pounds. There is a wide assortment of programs to take as a recourse. Some programs are implemented collectively, such as with friends or colleagues working on the same goals. Possible sources for weight loss programs can be websites, diet books, fitness magazines and video tapes and they usually include various exercises.

Oftentimes, choosing an appropriate program would also require an individual to rely on his instinct. Some weight loss programs can be non-clinical such as those designed by gyms and fitness experts. These are usually customized according to the needs and capability of the individual. Clinical programs, on the other hand are employed under the supervision of health experts. They are generally carried out in a medical set up like the clinic. They entail a combination of exercise and diet, therapy and massage and they are ideal for those with medical conditions such as morbid obesity, diabetes and heart diseases.

Weight loss programs should ideally get rid of excess pounds as well as to trim down the waistline. There are specific ones that deal with abdominal obesity as there are individuals who have proportionate weight but big tummies. Others can be devised to attain the right balance between weight and waist measurement. Well-structured schemes must be succeeded by a weight maintenance program. Fat cells temporarily shrink, but if there is no follow through on the regimen, these fat cells have the tendency to start expanding again. Weight management should be inculcated as a lifestyle and a daily habit and it is a lifelong process.

Otherwise, the measures taken on a weight loss program will be wasted effort.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Close up of pistachio nuts at a grocery store in Palo Alto, Calif., Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Federal food safety officials warned Monday that consumers should stop eating all foods containing pistachios while they figure out the source of a possible salmonella contamination. The company at the center of a nationwide pistachio recall says the salmonella contamination could have come from raw nuts during processing but not a human or animal source in its plant. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)AP - It could take weeks before health officials know exactly which pistachio products may be tainted with salmonella, but they've already issued a sweeping warning to avoid eating the nuts or foods containing them.

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"I write, I write, and I write some more. And all I see at the end of the day is what I already knew - I eat too much."

Many dieters dread hearing those two simple words: food diary. It is true that weight loss journals and food diaries require time, attention, planning, and analysis - but if used properly, they can be one of your greatest allies in the battle against obesity.

Perhaps you ate an extra high-fat snack yesterday because you've developed a habit of passing by the candy jar at work, or maybe you skipped a meal and binged at dinner because you were too busy and stressed to take a lunch break.

Whatever your reason for overeating, a food diary requires you to take a moment and think about what you're doing. Studies show that the average person recalls only half of what she eats, probably because most of us eat unconsciously - nibbling on ingredients as we make dinner, snacking while on the phone or in the car, grazing on high-fat snacks while watching television or reading a book.

Whereas your memory may be unpredictable, at best, in recalling why last week was such a struggle or what you ate for breakfast the day you went off the plan, it's difficult to deny the cold, hard facts once they are memorialized in writing. Although it can be difficult to get honest about our eating, understanding the extent and causes of the problem is the first step toward finding a solution.

In addition to tracking food intake, keeping a diary is also a powerful tool because:

* It lets you structure one day at a time by planning what you will eat and then recording your actual food intake.

* It reveals your relationship with food so you can identify events, emotions, or people that prompt you to overeat as well as pinpoint specific behaviors to change.

* It gives you goals to aim for in terms of how and what you eat (such as planning activities during times that you tend to overeat or avoiding certain "tempting" situations).

* It presents you with options for making small, manageable changes in your daily life.

Eating without a plan is like going to the grocery store without a list - you're just asking to get a lot more than you bargained for. If you eat only what you feel like eating in a given moment, you're not likely to choose the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that your body needs. When you know your diary is going to hold you accountable for everything you eat, you have a better chance of staying cognizant of your calorie consumption throughout the day.

For most people, overweight or obesity isn't a simple issue of liking food too much - it's a complicated blend of poor habits, difficulty coping with emotions, and years of learning to use food in non-nutritional ways. But once you identify bad habits and learned behaviors using your diary as a self-evaluation tool, the good news is they can be changed. And whatever challenges are presented to you, you know you have the tools at your disposal to produce the healthiest, happiest you.

Dr. Gerard J. Musante, a clinical psychologist, pioneered the Structure House Weight Loss Program 30 years ago, helping people all over the world win their battle with weight loss. For more information about Dr. Musante and his book, The Structure House Weight Loss Plan, visit:

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College Weight Gain

Students today are faced with the serious reality of unwanted weight gain as they enter college. A recent study by Cornell University found that on average, college freshman gain about 0.5 pounds a week. This is almost 11 times more than the average weight gain among 17-and 18-year olds and almost 20 times more than the average weight gain among American adults! In the face of such staggering statistics two obvious questions arise: 1) Why are college students gaining weight at such an alarming rate? and 2) How can college weight gain be avoided?

Q: Why are college students gaining weight at such an alarming rate?

A: There are many different specifics that lead the student to gain weight in college, but they can be summed up into three main categories.

1. Increase in Calories

College life encourages an increase in the caloric intake of students. College is filled with social events and social events usually equal FOOD! Most college cafeterias serve their food buffet style, and when given access to unlimited amounts of food most people automatically overeat. Fast food, while laden with calories, is cheap so it appeals to the budget of a college student. Studying for long hours often leads to snacking for hours. Blended coffee drinks and smoothies are often staples in a college students diet even though these items often pack more calories than a regular meal.

2. Decrease in Activity

When students enter college most of them leave organized sports behind them. These students that were used to practicing five or more times a week for hours at a time are now left with no accountability to be active. Couple this with the hectic schedule that most college students deal with, and it begins to make sense why most incoming freshmen dont even make time to find the campus gym, let alone visit it regularly!

3. Metabolism Killers

College students are notorious for crashing their metabolism by poorly managing their diets. This occurs when a student eats too few meals, and ends up eating extra large meals once or twice a day instead of proportioned meals throughout the day. A common metabolism killer of college students is skipping breakfast, the most important meal of the day as it starts ones metabolism up in the morning. Eating late at night is another classic metabolism killer of college students.

Q: How can college weight gain be avoided?

A: The first step in avoiding weight gain is to be aware of the things that cause it. Couple that with the following three suggestions of proven ways to avoid weight gain, and you are looking at a plan of success!

1. Set a Goal

The best way to ensure that you dont become the next college weight gain statistic is to make it your goal not to gain the weight. Be aware of the changes to your lifestyle once you enter college, and make a conscious effort to only allow healthy changes to occur. Post your goal where you can view it every day and periodically check your progress by weighing yourself.

2. Practice Nutritious Eating

Be aware of the pitfalls of college eating habits and concentrate on eating nutritious well-balanced meals. Avoid fried foods and foods high in calories. Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as you can, and practice portion control while roaming the cafeteria.

3. Join an Exercise Program

Whether you join an intramural sports team, enroll in PE, or attend an aerobics class the bottom line is that you need to be active in order to ward off the freshman fifteen. Find an activity that you enjoy and consistently do it. You should be exercising a minimum of half an hour three times each week. A great way to keep consistent is to build accountability with a friend.

Armed with an informed game plan and some effort, any college student can avoid weight gain. For more information on college weight gain, and for your own game plan visit You dont have to settle for depressing weight gain as you navigate through the most exciting time of your life! You deserve the body of your dreams.

Diana Keuilian, Certified Personal Trainer, and author of Avoid The Freshman Fifteen, has a proven method for avoiding college weight gain. Visit to learn more. She is also the head Fitness Trainer for the nations leading online fitness site and board member of

AP - Taking the blood thinner Plavix along with aspirin helped prevent strokes and heart attacks in people with a common heartbeat abnormality that puts them at high risk of these problems, doctors reported Tuesday.

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Memory Loss Linked to Overweight

How could excess weight cause memory loss? Full fat cells produce proteins called cytokines that turn on your immunity to cause inflammation that damages tissue throughout your body, including your brain. Researchers at Toulouse University Hospital in France tested people first in 1996 and again five years later. During that period, overweight people lost far more of their ability to recall words than their thinner counterparts. (Neurology, October 2006).

Your immunity is supposed to protect you from infections. When a germ gets into your body, your immunity produces white blood cells and proteins called antibodies that attach to and kill germs. As soon as the germ is gone, your immunity is supposed to stop making antibodies and white blood cells. In some people the immunity remains active and attacks a persons own body to cause heart attacks, strokes, certain cancers, and even diabetes. This recent study shows that it may even attack your nerves and brain. Being overweight can cost you IQ points, and the most effective way to prevent obesity is to exercise regularly.

How much do you need to exercise to lose weight? In one recent study, researchers asked people to walk and count an extra 2000 steps each day (Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, August 2006). This is really a minimal amount of exercise. They also kept complete food diaries. They lost weight and did not increase their food intake. When you start an exercise program, your appetite may increase, but this will not increase your caloric intake to equal the extra calories that you burn. For example, if you burn 600 calories with added exercise, you may take in 200 calories extra and you will lose weight.

Exercise helps you lose weight by raising your metabolism so you burn more calories for several hours after you finish exercising. However, only vigorous exercise that increases body temperature and makes you sweat will increase your metabolism enough to continue burning more calories after you finish. Overweight is a major cause of premature death and increases risk for heart attacks, strokes, cancers and arthritis. If you are out of shape and want to lose weight, get a stress cardiogram and ask your doctor to clear you for an exercise program. Start slowly and then gradually increase the intensity of your exercise over several months.

Subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition, and get my Fitness & Sports eBook free!

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports -- and the FREE Good Food Book -- at

AP - A top children's hospital wants to improve the survival rate of infants born with a birth defect that many families have never heard of until their child is diagnosed.

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How Love Can Make You Lose Weight

Most people make promises to lose weight but never seem to attain their goals. Perhaps it is because of lack of motivation. Well, one thing can help with increasing the enthusiasm for self-improvement through weight loss. That thing is love.

One of the many reasons why several people gain weight in the first place from excessive eating and lack of exercise may be due to an intense loneliness and the need to compensate for this. No one wants me anyway, theyd say or think to themselves in self-pity so it shouldnt matter what I look like, so let me enjoy something at least!

This emotion is quite understandable; however, it is not the right approach to handling the situation. Instead of resorting to unhealthy binges as a resort to compensate for being alone, why not make the efforts to find that special someone who would motivate you to being a better person.

It is a known fact that the first thing people judge others on is quite simply their appearance. If you dont look as appealing or at least come off as being concerned about your appearance to some degree, this could be an instant turn-off to most people.

So instead of giving up on yourself, it will be a much better and healthier idea to make yourself presentable and appealing just in case that special someone comes around.
In addition, when you make the efforts to be healthier and fitter, you automatically create the foundation for increased self-confidence, happiness and a positive outlook on life.

Now, admittedly, it may seem hard at times to find that person to share our feelings with, however, there are still plenty of options to finding someone and its safe to say the energy spent on binging and consequently gaining excess weight could be expended in such endeavors.

The choices are really limitless: places of worship, online options (the myspace site seems very popular for meeting people), work, the gym etc. Friends, with all these choices at hand, you really dont have to be alone and use this as an excuse for not caring about yourself.

Even in the worst case scenario: How about being in love with you?

Thats a start. Christs wisdom and subtlety comes to mind here when he says : Love your neighbor as you love yourself When you love yourself (not being vain or overly superficial now), you will make the efforts to always look and be your best naturally. As a result that motivation could and should serve as the spur to action to lose excess weight if needed.

Now, if you are in a relationship already, this should serve as a motivation to want to look and be your best. To simply let things get out of hand with your health and appearance can make you appear less attractive to your partner, in spite of whatever people say about its not whats on the outside that matters

Moreover, need I mention that excess weight and poor fitness levels can obstruct what may have been a healthy and happy sex life for two people in love? (Oh and on that subject, sex is a great exercise so thats another way love, at least making it, could come in handy to lose weight)

Now Al Green once said Love can make you do wrong, can make you do right

I say it can make you lose weight!

Heres to a healthy and happier you

Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of

For more information on Safe Weight Loss Tips, visit his website today.

AP - Calling your state stop-smoking hot line for help kicking the habit? Expect a wait: Smokers are flooding the lines in a panic over an increase in the tobacco tax.

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The Self Hypnosis Weight Loss Diet

Any weight loss diet is only as effective as the willingness of the person dieting to stick with the diet's requirements. Eating, in general, is such a complex combination of nutrition, pleasure, and other psychological factors, that the motivation to adopt and practice a particular eating regime to lose weight may prove extremely difficult. Often, the person is torn between conflicting motivations, simultaneously needing certain foods and eating habits for a sense of well-being, and yet acutely aware of the harm this form of eating can do to her or his self-esteem, health, career, and social life. All in all, successful weight loss dieting may need the extra help provided by one of the most effective mental tools available, self hypnosis.

The self hypnosis diet is based on two types of ideas, suggested to the dieter during the hypnosis. First, once the person has carefully researched the weight loss diet to be followed, the specific diet requirements may be formed into suggestions and included in the self hypnosis. These ideas are crafted to reflect the precise needs of the diet, even mentioning certain foods and other particulars. A second type of hypnosis diet idea to be suggested is motivational. Motivational ideas may consist of the most powerful reasons for the person to remain on the diet, to make the diet a success. Again, these may be worded precisely, to suit the thinking of the person, although a skilled professional can prepare an effective "generic" weight loss recording, too.

Why is hypnosis so effective for dieting? Think of it like this: hypnosis can't change the weather, but it can help you to use your umbrella, which will keep you nice and dry. Every diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., has a special set of rules to follow. Most of the reputable diets are designed by nutrition experts and usually based on pretty sound science. If the rules are followed, the weight comes off. The real task of the person dieting is not to re-invent the diet, it's simply to stick with the diet and by following the rules, reap the benefits. Hypnosis is a fabulous tool to enhance any dieter's ability to follow those all-important rules, no matter what the program may be.

A professionally prepared self hypnosis mp3, cd, or tape can be a life-long tool in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Often, weight loss dieters feel helpless and alone in their uphill climb. A good hypnosis recording is an oasis of personal pleasure and strength in this struggle. I urge you to let hypnosis be your secret dieting weapon!

The work of licensed mental health counselor Richard Blumenthal has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Mr. Blumenthal is a pioneer in the therapeutic use of hypnosis. He is the originator of Rational Suggestion Therapy, and the inventor of HypnoSoft Self Hypnosis Software, located at, for which he was awarded a United States patent. Hypnosis mp3 recordings by Mr. Blumenthal are available at

In this 2008 file photograph provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), under a magnification of 5000X, this colorized scanning photomicrograph shows numbers of clustered Gram-negative Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria, the type linked to the salmonella outbreak  that resulted in the recall of more than 1,500 foods.  The head of Kellogg, the world's biggest cereal maker, on Thursday will urge Congress to revamp how the government polices his industry. The Kellogg Co. lost $70 million in the recent salmonella outbreak, after it had to recall millions of packages of peanut butter crackers and cookies.    (AP Photo/CDC, Janice Haney Carr, File)AP - In another food scare sure to rattle consumers who watched the national salmonella outbreak in peanuts unfold, federal food officials are now warning people not to eat any food containing pistachios, which could carry contamination from the same bacteria.

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Lose Weight and Shift Calories

It's hard for many people to lose weight. Some around us always say they want to lose weight. But they were too lazy or busy to perform it with a classic excuse of having a lot other things to do. Letting your body growing heavier and heavier is not a good choice and going to the gym is not possible. Now, it's time for us to do something useful.

People should know about calorie shifting. If it's possible, you can write down the number of calories in each food you have everyday. It's proven that the size of serving recommended by scientists is often smaller than the serving you actually eat. Look up the calorie count on the internet for foods that don't have calories listed on the container or for fast food meals. You don't have to be 100% accurate, but you do want a good estimate of the number of calories you're taking in.

It's wise for you to make sure your method of losing weight is sustainable. If you can't reach it, you should make adjustments or even change your lifestyle. No pain, no gain. But it's not hard, you can adjust slowly. You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. They may taste good, but there are other foods that taste delicious, too, without being unhealthy. You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively.

Starving yourself will make you grow more weight than you lost in the long run. As we know, reducing your calorie intake to unhealthily low levels will slow metabolism and actually cause you to lose weight more slowly. Then your body cannot process potassium so when you do eat again, you will gain much more weight than you would if you weren't starving yourself and overall.

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AP - Taking the blood thinner Plavix along with aspirin helped prevent strokes and heart attacks in people with a common heartbeat abnormality that puts them at high risk of these problems, doctors reported Tuesday.

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How Love Can Make You Lose Weight

Most people make promises to lose weight but never seem to attain their goals. Perhaps it is because of lack of motivation. Well, one thing can help with increasing the enthusiasm for self-improvement through weight loss. That thing is love.

One of the many reasons why several people gain weight in the first place from excessive eating and lack of exercise may be due to an intense loneliness and the need to compensate for this. No one wants me anyway, theyd say or think to themselves in self-pity so it shouldnt matter what I look like, so let me enjoy something at least!

This emotion is quite understandable; however, it is not the right approach to handling the situation. Instead of resorting to unhealthy binges as a resort to compensate for being alone, why not make the efforts to find that special someone who would motivate you to being a better person.

It is a known fact that the first thing people judge others on is quite simply their appearance. If you dont look as appealing or at least come off as being concerned about your appearance to some degree, this could be an instant turn-off to most people.

So instead of giving up on yourself, it will be a much better and healthier idea to make yourself presentable and appealing just in case that special someone comes around.
In addition, when you make the efforts to be healthier and fitter, you automatically create the foundation for increased self-confidence, happiness and a positive outlook on life.

Now, admittedly, it may seem hard at times to find that person to share our feelings with, however, there are still plenty of options to finding someone and its safe to say the energy spent on binging and consequently gaining excess weight could be expended in such endeavors.

The choices are really limitless: places of worship, online options (the myspace site seems very popular for meeting people), work, the gym etc. Friends, with all these choices at hand, you really dont have to be alone and use this as an excuse for not caring about yourself.

Even in the worst case scenario: How about being in love with you?

Thats a start. Christs wisdom and subtlety comes to mind here when he says : Love your neighbor as you love yourself When you love yourself (not being vain or overly superficial now), you will make the efforts to always look and be your best naturally. As a result that motivation could and should serve as the spur to action to lose excess weight if needed.

Now, if you are in a relationship already, this should serve as a motivation to want to look and be your best. To simply let things get out of hand with your health and appearance can make you appear less attractive to your partner, in spite of whatever people say about its not whats on the outside that matters

Moreover, need I mention that excess weight and poor fitness levels can obstruct what may have been a healthy and happy sex life for two people in love? (Oh and on that subject, sex is a great exercise so thats another way love, at least making it, could come in handy to lose weight)

Now Al Green once said Love can make you do wrong, can make you do right

I say it can make you lose weight!

Heres to a healthy and happier you

Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of

For more information on Safe Weight Loss Tips, visit his website today.

HealthDay - MONDAY, March 30 (HealthDay News) -- Babies who gain weight quickly during the first six months of life may be more prone to obesity as toddlers, Harvard researchers report.

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Diet Plan For Women's Weight Loss

Here's how women can seriously lose weight with a diet plan. It is by no means rocket science, or anything even remotely complex. In the end, losing weight is about having the right knowledge (20% of the battle) and implementing that knowledge (80% of the battle).

Diet Plan For Women Weight Loss

1. Copious amounts of fibre.

You need to be including humungous amount of fibre in your daily diet. The average woman needs about 25-30 grams of fibre each day. I read somewhere that the average women only GETS 12 grams of fibre each day. This is obviously a problem.

Fibre will clear out your entire digestive tract of all the junk that get lodged down there. For various reasons, this junk will not come out by itself (this "junk" can weigh up to 3-6 pounds). Fibre will do the clearing job for you.

A cleaner digestive tract means a more efficient digestive system as a whole. In turn, this means less fat storage from your meals.

On a side note, you still need to use common sense. All because your digestive system is running optimally does not mean you will retain ZERO fat storage from your meals. You still need to make proper diet decisions.

2. Increase Meal Frequency

This means exactly what it sounds like! Break your larger meals into 6 smaller meals, and eat them throughout the day. This has been proven over and over again to boost your metabolism, so do it.

Your body needs to be fed every 3-4 hours (with healthy food) in order to maintain optimal nutrient levels. Keep that in mind!

Remember, a faster metabolism is vital if you are going to succeed. Simple as that.

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If you have a real passion and determination to lose weight, then go to the link to get your free e-Book now. No more playing around. Achieve your weight loss goals now.

See you there,


William Darker of Imperial Beach, Calif., prepares to undergo a unique cancer treatment that uses ultra-high doses of chemotherapy that are isolated to the liver, at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., Tuesday, March 24, 2009. Surgeons thread balloons up blood vessels to the liver to block off its normal blood supply. Then ultra-high doses of chemotherapy are flooded directly into the liver. Blood exposed to the drugs is drained out of the body, filtered, then tubed back in. The chemo only hits the liver and nowhere else.   (AP Photo/J.  Scott Applewhite)AP - Bill Darker grinned as he headed into the operating room for a dramatic experiment: A super-high dose of chemotherapy dripped directly into his cancer-ridden liver, 10 times more than patients normally can tolerate.

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Be More Investigative When Choosing Losing Stubborn Belly Fat Programs. Millions of Americans undergo diet programs, in high hopes of controlling or losing weight. Unfortunately, not all these Americans are successful to keep their targeted weight off. So, what is the problem? It can be because one of the three reasons:

- One is not sticking properly to the right regimen of the diet program;

- One has chosen the wrong diet program; or

- Weight control products used are ineffective.

One of the common mistakes that these people commit when undergoing diet or weight loss programs is thinking they could get the fix overnight, so they always tend to overlook the requirements of properly losing weight. In other cases, many people easily believe over the claims of some weight control products; thus, are also quickly trapped to false hopes of getting weight off their physical body immediately.

- Using the right diet program/weight control product;

Conclusively, the kind of lifestyle you take together with the program or product has a large factor in accomplishing effective results. Now, if you are going to choose from the many weight loss products available in the industry, remember that the number of choices is quite confusing. Nowadays, it isn't surprising if you encounter hundreds of these products available through over the counter, local clinics, or your local dealers.

This number just shows how much intensified is the need of people to undergo some kind of weight loss/control program. When it comes to weight control products choices, the following are some of the claimed effective products include the following:

- Prescription diet medicines - pills that contain appetite suppressant.

- Herbal nutritional program - usually, in the form of shakes, pills, etc.

- Chitosan supplements - contain dietary fiber from shellfish.

- Green tea extra diet supplements - believed to contain strong antioxidants, in the form of polyphenol.

In addition to the above list, there are also others that are popularly claimed as weight loss products:

- Diet patches

- Electrical muscle stimulators

- Magnetic diet pills

- Magic earrings

- Bulk fillers

AP - A potential blockbuster diabetes medication from Bristol-Myers Squibb appears free from heart-related side effects that have plagued similar treatments, federal health officials said Monday.

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Weight Loss - A Balanced and Sensible Approach, Part II

Tips for Weight Management

Physical activity (exercise) is a huge factor. It has been estimated that a third of Americans do not get enough exercise. And I think that is being conservative. Here are some suggestions that can make a real difference:

  • Set up a piece of exercise equipment right in front of the TV so that when that show comes on that you just do not want to miss you will be doing productive exercise at the same time.
  • Many of us make short trips in our cars to the store, to rent a movie, to get gas for the lawn mower, etc. Many of these are less than a mile. Why not ride a bicycle, walk or even better yet jog to your destination? Consider the following comparison when driving a mile (round trip) or taking a brisk walk. To drive this distance could easily take 2-4 minutes each way for a total of 4-8 minutes. Most people can walk a mile (briskly) in between 15-20 minutes. So you have spent 11-12 additional minutes (not that much time). You have put in some good exercise, that would not have happened had you taken the car. A small sacrifice for a greater gain!
  • Many people work in a multi-story building. How about taking the steps instead of the elevator? Step climbing is a great exercise!

It is recommended that we get 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. It doesn't have to be a formal workout routine at a gym that you need to pay money to use. In my opinion that is a great disservice that the workout facility has done to America. Some Americans may actually believe the advertisements that imply "you need to come to XXX gym to get a get a good workout".Although exercise equipment and the camaraderie of pursuing the same goals as others can help, it is not necessary. Everyone can get a good, thorough exercise without belonging to a gym and having expensive equipment.

There are natural weight loss products that can assist too, and some have demonstrated very good results. They should be treated as a secondary, not a primary agent. The two primary agents have got to be diet and exercise. This is the way it has always been. There are no "magic bullets" for weight loss. Losing weight and keeping the pound off, like most good things, is not an easy task for many people. But it can be done. And in my opinion, once the pounds start to drop off, once you start to realize that you are making accomplishments, you will be motivated to do more and better. Once it gets started it will be much easier to continue. Good habits become like "the train rolling down hill". The key is to get started.

Visit the Feeling Outstanding Health and Fitness page for some great ideas and exercise products. An alternative approach for health.

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Big Weight Loss!

Want some big weight loss? I'm going to show you a method that will make this happen... safely. This is a short article... it'll only take 2 minutes to read. But those 2 minutes will perhaps be very important to you. Read this now if you're ready to get the body you deserve.

Big Weight Loss

1. Eat a bowl of lentil soup with some vegetables before lunch and dinner

Make a big batch of this stuff that'll last 3 days. This is easy stuff. Lentils are packed with protein and fiber. It's probably the best weight loss food possible. It's cheap too. Use tupperware if you're not going to be home. Bring it to work. Whatever. Find a way to do this. Don't look for excuses. Just monitor your weight loss for 2 weeks while you do this. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

2. You'll need some snacks... focus in on apples and yogurt

Apple have the fiber and yogurts have the protein. Be sure the yogurt has no more than 80 calories. If you need a recommendation, go to Wal-Mart and get their 33 cent low calorie yogurts. My personal favorite is Black Cherry. Just thought you should know.

3. Jump on a mini-trampoline whenever you get a chance, but especially during tv commercials

This is an all-around exercise that pretty much everyone can do. That's why I chose it. Oh yeah, if you have cellulite on your butt and legs... it'll help reduce those for you as well. I would like for you to find 20 minutes a day to do this... even if it's only 2-3 minutes at a time.

Do these 3 things and you'll get big weight loss.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Depression affects more than 6 million people aged 65 or older in the United States, but only about 10 percent of them are treated, the Cleveland Clinic says.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Chinese Weight Loss Teas - How Do They Work?

There are many weight loss products out there that we are quite familiar with. However, what do people from the other side of the global use for weight loss? This article introduces some natural ingredient ways that people from the Orient use for burning those extra unwanted fats: Chinese weight loss tea.

Chinese Weight Loss Teas: how do they work?
Among the many teas and herbs that the Chinese use for weight loss purposes, two are making their name known across Western civilization: the Pu-Erh and Oolong tea. The Japanese have had vending machines selling Pu-Erh and Oolong tea for many many years.

Here is a summary of the theories on how these weight loss teas works.

  • The teas act as a metabolic stimulant, helping you to burn more calories and fats by increasing your body functions.
  • There are only four calories per serving in the tea (when you drink it black with no additives). This is a very good alternative beverage choice for people on diets if they are bored of water.
  • The Pu-Erh tea, one of the most popular in-meal beverages in China, is believed to help fat metabolism and decrease blood cholesterol levels in frequent drinkers.
  • The teas contain poly phenols, which helps to burn fat in your body.
  • In addition to weight loss benefits, many Chinese teas contain special enzymes, micro nutrients and microbes that are essential for the body's well-being. These are created by the unique double fermentations the teas go through when being prepared for consumption.

As you can imagine, the Chinese weight loss tea alone cannot help you lose weight and keep fit. However, in combination of proper diet and regular exercise the teas can benefit your body by doubling the effects of other proper weight loss efforts.

Do you want to discover the secret to lose 9 lbs in every 11 days?

Check out this: Best Weight Loss Program Review

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Breakthrough Weight Loss - Avoiding the Myths

Here are some common beliefs people have about weight loss, which we are about to smash:

1. You need to starve yourself to lose weight
2. "Lite" products are better
3. Avoiding fat and carbohydrates helps you lose weight
4. Buying infomercial products and fitness equipment will give you results

Let's take a quick look at this malicious set of beliefs people have acquired:

Number 1 - Starving Yourself To Lose Weight
A healthy amount of food actually works in your favor to produce real weight loss results. By starving your body, you are sending the message "There is no food, store more fat so that I don't die". Your muscle mass will decrease rapidly, you will become weak and your body will store every ounce of fat it can find in fat cells. This is how you destroy your metabolism so that you get fat and unhealthy for the rest of your life.

Avoid this: Get a metabolism calculating tool and find out your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is how many calories you need to survive at a healthy level.

Number 2 - "Lite" Products

These marketing gurus came up with the clever "lite" scheme which persuades customers to buy their products. In actual fact, the word "lite" is not even an English word! And often the word "light" is only referring to the color of the product. On top of this confusion, less fat and more processing is a recipe for weight GAIN anyway!

Number 3 - Avoiding Fat & Carbs

Your body needs the macro-nutrients; carbohydrates, fats and protein. All of them!
You need to focus on getting these foods in a "whole" form rather than avoiding them. Often highly processed carbohydrates are broken down quickly and create an insulin spike which then causes you to store more fat. BUT, if you eat GOOD QUALITY foods, this problem is NOT a problem.

Number 4 - Infomercial Products

These things are devious. They are designed to look good, but not to work well. I am a certified personal trainer and trust me, regardless of what people might say to you, there are MUCH more effective ways to burn your fat with exercise than using this junk.

Stay away from believing these weight loss myths and stick to the facts. Once you experience how easy it is to lose weight, you'll understand.

Click to get your FREE 7 DAY GUIDE on "How To Burn Belly Fat... Super Fast!". Anyone who visits my website in the next 3 days can also download a FREE METABOLISM CALCULATOR and a FREE EBOOK on "7 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism".

Follow my simple, FREE 7 DAY GUIDE and you could easily lose 7 pounds within the next week! Just click the link

Chris Taeni

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Here are the latest clinical trials, courtesy of

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Teen Obesity

Obesity is not a condition where an individual is simply eating too much. Obesity is now acknowledged as a grave disease that is chronic. It is prevalent in all regions of the world without any race, gender, or ethnicity bias. However, it is seen to be more widespread in developed countries; in the United States, it has assumed alarming proportions. It is saddening to note that there has also been a rise in case of teen obesity in the country.

In just two decades, the percent of obese teens has almost tripled. Almost fifteen percent more teens border between being overweight and obese. Obesity is found to be a common eating disorder in teenagers and adolescents, as they generally do not follow a proper eating schedule and prefer ready-made food to the home cooked healthier food.

Manifestation of health problems due to obesity is lesser in teens than in adults. However, overweight teens are at high risk of becoming overweight adults. Hence, it is important to nip the problem in the bud itself and ensure that steps are taken to lessen obesity, and make them slimmer and healthier.

Obesity in teens is found to result in weakening of their physical health, making them lethargic and restricted to indoor activities. It also leads to social disability, loneliness, and unhappiness. They are generally found to be without friends and find it difficult to make new associations. Weight problem typically weighs at the back of their mind, which makes them introverts. This makes the teen stressed and leads to severe complications such as stress and mental illness. Studies have shown that obese teens are prone to physical bullying as both victims and perpetrators, which could lead to serious mental complications in adult life.

It is important for teenagers to develop a personal identity and positive body image. Hence, it is advisable to talk to trusted adults for working out a schedule to reduce excess weight.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Weight Loss - A Balanced and Sensible Approach, Part II

Tips for Weight Management

Physical activity (exercise) is a huge factor. It has been estimated that a third of Americans do not get enough exercise. And I think that is being conservative. Here are some suggestions that can make a real difference:

  • Set up a piece of exercise equipment right in front of the TV so that when that show comes on that you just do not want to miss you will be doing productive exercise at the same time.
  • Many of us make short trips in our cars to the store, to rent a movie, to get gas for the lawn mower, etc. Many of these are less than a mile. Why not ride a bicycle, walk or even better yet jog to your destination? Consider the following comparison when driving a mile (round trip) or taking a brisk walk. To drive this distance could easily take 2-4 minutes each way for a total of 4-8 minutes. Most people can walk a mile (briskly) in between 15-20 minutes. So you have spent 11-12 additional minutes (not that much time). You have put in some good exercise, that would not have happened had you taken the car. A small sacrifice for a greater gain!
  • Many people work in a multi-story building. How about taking the steps instead of the elevator? Step climbing is a great exercise!

It is recommended that we get 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. It doesn't have to be a formal workout routine at a gym that you need to pay money to use. In my opinion that is a great disservice that the workout facility has done to America. Some Americans may actually believe the advertisements that imply "you need to come to XXX gym to get a get a good workout".Although exercise equipment and the camaraderie of pursuing the same goals as others can help, it is not necessary. Everyone can get a good, thorough exercise without belonging to a gym and having expensive equipment.

There are natural weight loss products that can assist too, and some have demonstrated very good results. They should be treated as a secondary, not a primary agent. The two primary agents have got to be diet and exercise. This is the way it has always been. There are no "magic bullets" for weight loss. Losing weight and keeping the pound off, like most good things, is not an easy task for many people. But it can be done. And in my opinion, once the pounds start to drop off, once you start to realize that you are making accomplishments, you will be motivated to do more and better. Once it gets started it will be much easier to continue. Good habits become like "the train rolling down hill". The key is to get started.

Visit the Feeling Outstanding Health and Fitness page for some great ideas and exercise products. An alternative approach for health.

Tom Thorne

HealthDay - MONDAY, March 30 (HealthDay News) -- Physical fitness programs in schools improve many aspects of children's health, but they don't appear to combat obesity, a new study in the Canadian medical publication CMAJ shows.

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Weight Loss - Losing Stomach Fat

If you're looking for weight loss by losing stomach fat, read the rest of this article. I'm going to tell you how to do this. Look, there's too much confusing and idiotic information out there about weight loss. I'm going to give you 2 basic things that will drop the pounds. Take the next minute and a half to read this article and you'll be a mile ahead of everyone else trying to lose weight.

Weight Loss - Losing Stomach Fat

1. Actually rub your stomach

Yep, it's true. What you do is rub your hands together first, however. This causes the hands to acquire kinetic heat. This heat will easily go through the skin level and into the fat deposits where they help to destroy them. So after you're done rubbing your hands for 15 seconds or so, rub your belly with small circles and make the circles bigger and bigger. Do this rubbing for about 45 seconds.

The best time to do these is right after a meal because this will help stimulate better digestion of the foods you just ate. Do this everyday and after as many meals as possible.

2. Eat protein with each meal

It's very simple. If you eat at least 20 grams of protein with each meal, you'll help to block out the effects of the carbs in the meal. So you won't have any blood sugar spikes that lead to weight gain. So if you absolutely must have a carb dominant meal, make sure protein is there as well.

This is how you accomplish steady weight loss. Losing stomach fat the easy way.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Fish for sale are piled on ice at a local fish market in Miami, Florida. Taking supplements of Omega-3, the fatty acids found in fish, showed no added benefits for heart attack patients, a German study found, contradicting previous research.(AFP/File/Roberto Schmidt)AP - Heart attack patients who are already taking the right medicines to prevent future problems get no added benefit from taking fish oil capsules, a large study in Germany finds.

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Wondering How To Lose Weight Quick?

Knowing how to lose weight quick can actually hurt you. That is shedding pounds too quickly can be extremely dangerous to your health. Many weight-loss experts agree that it is not healthy to lose more than eight pounds a month. You can have that kind of success by identifying weight-loss strategies or tips that work for you. Here are three tips that might help you lose weight. I'll send you a document with 50 tips for losing weight. See below to find out how you can get this document. Here are some strategies you can try now.

Tell a Loved One

Most people cannot sustain the lifestyle changes necessary to lose significant amounts of weight without the support of a loved one. Those who know how to lose weight quick realize you need to enlist the support of others. Or at least the support of the person with whom you spend the most time. So what should you say to them? However you share your plan to lose weight, try not to be too sensational or over-the-top.

Be low key. But at the same time be clear with them the specific changes you are trying to make at the present time and ask for their support in the process. Even if others do not provide you with any overt support, the mere fact that others know you are trying to lose weight will give you more motivation so you do not disappoint them.

Officially Announce Your Diet

We all feel more accountable for our actions if we are concerned about disappointing others. In addition to telling close friends and relatives, tell all your acquaintances as well. Some people do not worry about disappointing those close to them, like family, so telling only them is not enough.

Tell your colleagues and anyone else you come into contact with on a frequent basis. Once you tell them you are on a weight loss plan you will feel more push to follow through. All you have to do is think about how you will have to answer the question "how is your diet going". You will want to be able to deliver a glowing report anytime someone presents this question to you.

Use More Coconut Oil

It just is not true that all fat is bad for people who are trying to lose weight. We all need some fat in our diet to remain healthy. The key is to get the right kind of fat. All oils traditionally used for cooking are bad for us and cause ill health and weight gain. Those who know how to lose weight quick know about coconut oil and its positive effects on your health and weight loss efforts.

First of all, most cooking oil, even olive oil, becomes rancid when heated and their molecular structure changes in a way that is not healthy for the body. So, aside from causing us to gain weight cooking oil is bad for our health.

Coconut oil, on the other hand, is completely saturated and therefore does not change its molecular structure nor does it become rancid. This makes coconut oil the best cooking oil. But even better, using coconut oil can help us lose weight when part of a healthy diet.

Those who know how to lose weight quick understand that not every strategy works for every person. You need to consult dozens and dozens of weight-loss tips and strategies and find the ones that will help you easily lose weight. I'll send you an eBook full of 50 tips to lose weight.

Learn how others are losing pounds of body fat week after week with my 50 Weight Loss Tips ebook. Just send an email to

Learn more about how to lose weight here.

Wondering how to lose weight? Try using weight loss plans.

Learn how dieting while toning can help you lose weight while sitting on the coach.

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Depression affects more than 6 million people aged 65 or older in the United States, but only about 10 percent of them are treated, the Cleveland Clinic says.

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The First Step in Weight Loss: Change Your Mind

Diets are so hard to follow because they often leave us unfulfilled. At first, we are motivated. We want to do it all in just a few days. But, it's unrealistic to want to lose 25 lbs. in two days when it took months or even years to put on the weight.

It doesn't take long before we start becoming unfaithful to the diet. Our bodies have been set in their ways and then suddenly we're changing everything on them. It's a little hard to keep up with the diet if you don't put yourself into it right.

You might find it funny to say, but the first thing you have to do is let your mind know you have set a goal for yourself to lose weight. You have to literally CHANGE YOUR MIND. That's part of the key. Then, just follow through.

When you get your mind ready for the journey, it's easier for you to actually hit your target weight. But, it's not merely a matter of memorizing motivational quotes or giving yourself daily reminders to stay on the diet. It's so much more than that. To get your mind ready so that your weight loss program is successful, make it a part of your lifestyle.

Change Daily Habits

In everything you do, make sure you always have your weight loss program in mind. Keeping your energy level high is one of the most important goals you should have. You'd be amazed how easy it is to keep your energy levels high, even with such simple things as sitting.

When you slouch, you are telling your mind that you are in "relax" mode. Your body starts to shut down and that's not what you are trying to achieve. Kicking back and crossing your ankles actually cuts circulation. These are the types of things you have to keep in mind and stay conscious of throughout the day.

If you plant your feet firmly on the ground and straighten your back, you will actually feel your energy levels rise. It's because you are keeping your weight program in your forethoughts and confirming those thoughts with your actions. You are no longer sending your mind mixed signals.

When you walk, walk with a purpose and keep your back straight. Don't slouch or drag your feet. Walking is actually extra exercise that you can get throughout the day, so think of it that way and maximize your efforts.

Change the Way You Dress

When you get up in the morning, dress for the day like you are about ready to take a run or play a game of basketball. Make up your mind that you are ready for exercise no matter what shape or form. So, dress that way.

Wear tennis shoes and gym shorts. You are dressing the part when you wear tee shirts, sweat pants and sweat shirts. Just dressing the part puts your mind in gear. If you work in an office and you have to wear a suit, then obviously you can't dress for exercise in tennis shoes, sweat pants and a tee shirt. But when you arrive home, change over into exercise clothes. On Saturdays, get up and get dressed like you have a bicycle race to catch. If you dress like you are always ready for exercise, you will start to do more throughout the day and actually get more exercise.

Change the Way You Approach Tasks

Most people dread the hard work or any extra work. CHANGE YOUR MIND. Look forward to doing more and more things throughout the day. At work, carry the boxes. Make several trips just to get more walking out of it.

Park your car further away from work so that you have longer to walk. If you sit at a desk all day long, do sitting crunches while you work. Anything you can do, add exercise to it. Get on top of the chores you've been putting off for months. Do whatever you have to do. But the main thing is that you stay active, you get more accomplished and you help yourself lose more weight while the foods you eat and the weight program you are on does the rest.

These are just a few ideas, but they give you a little bit of insight into what you have to do to make sure your mind is completely with you while you fight to lose the weight. It's not an easy to task. The right things that benefit you most never are. So, get your mind ready so that it will support you while you make things happen. It's much easier when your mind is on your side!

Michael Allen is a controversial and thought provoking writer who takes in depth looks at social and political issues. His own weight loss program is unorthodox to say the least, but it is most effective. Visit Michael Allen's High Impact Weight Loss for further details.

In this file photo, Dr. John Lasala, director of the Cardiac Cath Lab at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, points out one of the three major coronary arteries, the one he ominously refers to as the 'widowmaker,' using a model of the human heart, June 24, 2002 in St. Louis. The pink tubes on the model depict a heart after bypass surgery. (AP Photo/Tom Gannam)AP - It's been a dream for a decade: a single daily pill combining aspirin, cholesterol medicine and blood pressure drugs - everything people need to prevent heart attacks and strokes in a cheap, generic form.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weight Loss - Emotional Triggers

A "trigger" is something that sets in motion a sequence of behaviors. Many times we regret how we react to these triggers which may trigger other emotions. We're start playing the song that never ends. What feelings trigger overeating or unplanned eating for you? How do you react to these emotions? It's not unusual for people to eat when we're happy, sad, angry, frustrated, lonely or bored. Emotional eating may make us feel better for a moment but, the effects last a lot longer.

Believe it or not there's a positive intention behind every behavior, even though what we're doing may seem negative or not helpful at all. I know it's hard to believe. What possible intention might there be by me consuming a container full of cashews. The fact is that we're doing it because it benefits us in some way or we wouldn't be doing it. However, if we are to control our weight we need to control the food that's controlling us and we can do that by managing our feelings in a way to get the same benefit without food.

What benefit do you get from eating when stress, bored or sad? Now, what non-food behaviors will give you that same benefit without eating? For instance when we're bored we tend to look for something to eat not because we're hungry but because we're looking for something to do even if what we're doing is watching TV. What we're really looking for is something to do with our hands. So, pick up needle point, a cross word puzzle, paint your nails or whatever else interests you other than the fridge.

Emotional eating doesn't really resolve the feeling, it often makes it worse. Yet, we continue to do it. If you cut your finger would you stick it in a jelly doughnut hole to make it better? Of course not because we know we need a band-aid to stop the bleeding but, we'll eat that jelly doughnut to make us feel better.

To help manage our behaviors ask these questions:

  • What behavior do I want to change
  • What does that behavior get for me
  • What other way can I get that same benefit without food
  • What other way will I try

Unless you try another way nothing will change because sticking a bleeding finger in a jelly doughnut doesn't work and neither does emotional eating. Recognizing emotional eating when it occurs will help you find better ways to manage your feelings than by eating. Stop feeding the emotion that's eating you.

Have a Great and Successful Week,


Corporate Speaker and Weight Loss Coach Stephen Parzuchowski publishes Changing Our Weighs a weekly eZine that offers motivating and informative articles, delicious recipes, recommended readings and answers to FAQ's. If you're ready to jump-start your weight loss success, become healthier, have more fun and live a more vibrant life, visit and start living your life your weigh TODAY!

2008 ChangingOurWeighs, LLC.

HealthDay - FRIDAY, March 20 (HealthDay News) -- More than 75 percent of candidates for fire and ambulance services in Massachusetts are either overweight or obese, a situation that has major consequences for public health and safety, researchers say.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sample Menus For Nutrisystem Weight Loss Diet

Nutrisystem is a weight loss program that claims to provide results based on ideal portions food made with "good carbs," which are low on the glycemic index and do not cause a spike in blood sugar. The food is also made to have the sufficient amount of protein to be filling.

Dieters ordering from the Nutrisystem program have two choices: they can individually select 28 breakfasts, 28 lunches, 28 dinners, and 28 desserts for each month, or they can just select the pre-selected Favorites package, which includes a collection of Nutrisystem's most popular foods. Fear not: If you select the Favorites package but soon find out you are not wild about all the dishes that come with it, you may at any time switch to choosing the meals individually.

What are your options? Nutrisystem breakfast food items include maple brown sugar oatmeal, scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, egg frittata, blueberry flavored pancake mix, berries & multigrain flakes, cranberry orange pastry, and lemon poppy seed muffins. Most of the foods are pre-made, but the eggs and pancakes come in a mix.

Lunch foods include black beans and rice, split pea soup, chocolate peanut butter bar, cheesy homestyle potatoes, chicken a la king, fudge graham bar, chicken salad, and cheese tortellini.

Dinner entrees include beef pot roast with vegetables and gravy, chicken with dumplings, flatbread pizza, beef and noodles in teriyaki sauce, cheese ravioli with basil tomato sauce, vegetable fajita, and mushroom risotto.

Desserts include cheese puffs, almond biscotti, microwaveable chocolate cake, blueberry lemon dessert bar, hot cocoa, white chocolate chunk cookie, nacho crisps, caramel popcorn, and strawberry shortcake bar. As you can tell, not all the "desserts" are actual sweets - some are just snacks that can be eaten in place of sugar desserts.

All the meals that require being warmed up are sealed in a way that they do not need to be kept frozen or refrigerated. Because of this, dieters on the Nutrisystem program can take the food with them anywhere to warm up; they can keep it in their desk drawer at work without fear of co-workers eating it or they can take it to a friend's house and keep it in their bag until meal time. It is much more portable and allows you to even take the diet on vacation with you if you so desire.

How do you know when you should be eating all of the foods? Each order comes with a NutriSystem Meal Planner. It guides you through your meals and snacks and contains a food diary in which you can indicate your servings as you eat them.

Did you find this review of Nutrisystem useful?

There is more must-know information based on user feedback in addition to a full independent Nutrisystem review

HealthDay - TUESDAY, March 17 (HealthDay News) -- Being obese can shorten your life, a new study shows.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lortab Weight Loss - Is Lortab Weight Loss Safe?

So you're wondering if Lortab weight loss is a good way to start losing weight. You've tried other weight loss products and are not seeing the results promised so you want to try Lortab weight loss instead. This article will help make your mind up about this weight loss product.

A lot of people are trying Lortab weight loss and frankly they are getting into more trouble than they know. Lortab is a prescription medication andlosing weightis actually a side effect. And it's not a good side effect either. Lortab is actually hydrocodone which actually a narcotic. So by taking Lortab you might start to get addicted to it and you might find out that you won't be able to stop it when you want to. Stopping the medication will eventually lead to tough side effects such as headaches, chills and nausea.

No doctor will prescribe Lortab as apill to help you lose weight if they are reputable since it's actually a pain relief medication. If you take it then you need to see your doctor on a regular basis so that he or she can make sure you're ok. If you find your self losing weight then that's your body's way of telling you that something's wrong and you need to go see you doctor right away!The loss of weightis not a natural side effect of Lortab.

Losing a few pounds is not worth the hassle and risk of taking Lortab. You'll end up with more problems that just your weight so if you are thinking about taking Lortab for weight loss then think again. Try other safe weight loss medication or supplements and you'll do much better. Remember that weight loss won't happen overnight and there is no silver bullet. Be careful and take the safest weight loss pills when possible.

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AP - European heart patients are taking more medication than ever before to lower their blood pressure and cholesterol, but bad habits such as overeating and smoking are undermining the drugs, a new study says. Despite big increases in heart patients on medication, most still have high blood pressure and nearly half have high cholesterol.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Healthy and Natural Peppermint - Lose Weight After Dinner

Peppermint is a well known natural herb which is used in several cosmetic and personal care products. Further more, it's a well established herb in aromatherapy. Many herbalists have claimed that there are several medicinal applications of this herb especially in losing weight in a natural and comfortable manner. However, this theory of using natural peppermint after dinner to lose weight doesn't have much backing from science.

Differences aside, many herbalists have known to use peppermint tea for several centuries on patients looking for weight loss solutions. Peppermint when used in tea is often known as green tea. So in order to understand how peppermint or green tea can help in boosting weight loss we have to understand the properties of peppermint itself.

Peppermint is considered to be an antispasmodic, meaning it helps in preventing and curing stomach and intestinal spasms. It also helps in boosting metabolic functions which helps in burning the stored fat inside the body. Metabolic rate is directly correlated to body muscles. That is, more the muscles in the body higher the metabolic rate and hence less will be the stored fat. It is this metabolic rate, which herbalists claim, is enhanced by having a cup of green tea after dinner. Additionally, peppermint is also used to treat several digestive system related troubles in area of aromatherapy.

It's a well known fact that several professional athletes and bodybuilders have a very high metabolic rate. The secret to this is proper digestion of food so that the intake calories are not stored in their body as fat. Such professionals are known to use apple cider vinegar before their meals so as to help them with digestion. Water is another important ingredient which helps immensely in quick and healthy digestion.

Normal tea consists of caffeine which is known to increase metabolic rate of the body. But this is only true when it is taken in conjunction with a balanced and healthy diet. Hence you may argue that peppermint tea will help in increasing the metabolic rate but it would be wishful thinking to believe that you will lose weight entirely by drinking peppermint tea after dinner.

So whether peppermint tea helps you in losing weight or not, the only sure fire way of permanently losing weight is to follow a balanced and healthy diet in conjunction with regular exercise sessions. Peppermint tea can definitely help as a catalyst in swift weight reduction but it's highly improbable that it will work as an isolated solution. You must combine healthy eating with regular exercise along with timely peppermint tea drinking after dinner to ensure rapid weight loss. This combination will trigger the antioxidant properties of green tea which can cause the body to waste calories as heat thus increasing the overall calorie burn.

Visit this site if you want to lose 20 pounds a week and keep it off!

AP - A Minnesota company has won federal approval to become the first in the U.S. to market an E. coli vaccine for cattle, a new weapon against a foodborne disease that can cause serious illness in people and even death.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Low-Tech Weight Loss Tools That Really Work

"I write, I write, and I write some more. And all I see at the end of the day is what I already knew - I eat too much."

Many dieters dread hearing those two simple words: food diary. It is true that weight loss journals and food diaries require time, attention, planning, and analysis - but if used properly, they can be one of your greatest allies in the battle against obesity.

Perhaps you ate an extra high-fat snack yesterday because you've developed a habit of passing by the candy jar at work, or maybe you skipped a meal and binged at dinner because you were too busy and stressed to take a lunch break.

Whatever your reason for overeating, a food diary requires you to take a moment and think about what you're doing. Studies show that the average person recalls only half of what she eats, probably because most of us eat unconsciously - nibbling on ingredients as we make dinner, snacking while on the phone or in the car, grazing on high-fat snacks while watching television or reading a book.

Whereas your memory may be unpredictable, at best, in recalling why last week was such a struggle or what you ate for breakfast the day you went off the plan, it's difficult to deny the cold, hard facts once they are memorialized in writing. Although it can be difficult to get honest about our eating, understanding the extent and causes of the problem is the first step toward finding a solution.

In addition to tracking food intake, keeping a diary is also a powerful tool because:

* It lets you structure one day at a time by planning what you will eat and then recording your actual food intake.

* It reveals your relationship with food so you can identify events, emotions, or people that prompt you to overeat as well as pinpoint specific behaviors to change.

* It gives you goals to aim for in terms of how and what you eat (such as planning activities during times that you tend to overeat or avoiding certain "tempting" situations).

* It presents you with options for making small, manageable changes in your daily life.

Eating without a plan is like going to the grocery store without a list - you're just asking to get a lot more than you bargained for. If you eat only what you feel like eating in a given moment, you're not likely to choose the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that your body needs. When you know your diary is going to hold you accountable for everything you eat, you have a better chance of staying cognizant of your calorie consumption throughout the day.

For most people, overweight or obesity isn't a simple issue of liking food too much - it's a complicated blend of poor habits, difficulty coping with emotions, and years of learning to use food in non-nutritional ways. But once you identify bad habits and learned behaviors using your diary as a self-evaluation tool, the good news is they can be changed. And whatever challenges are presented to you, you know you have the tools at your disposal to produce the healthiest, happiest you.

Dr. Gerard J. Musante, a clinical psychologist, pioneered the Structure House Weight Loss Program 30 years ago, helping people all over the world win their battle with weight loss. For more information about Dr. Musante and his book, The Structure House Weight Loss Plan, visit:

HealthDay - THURSDAY, March 12 (HealthDay News) -- Elderly people suffering from a type of heart disease called diastolic heart failure do not seem to benefit from the commonly prescribed heart failure drugs, researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles report.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weight Loss Surgery in Alabama

Obesity -- the condition of being significantly above one's healthy weight -- is a health crisis in Alabama. Across our state, the number of overweight and obese individuals is rapidly increasing. In fact, almost 65% of the population of Alabama is overweight or obese. It is the second most common cause of preventable death in the United States, and may lead to life-threatening illnesses, called co-morbidities, such Type II diabetes, cancer, heart conditions, and hypertension.

Unsurprisingly, Alabama also leads the nation in adults suffering from high blood pressure, with 31% of Alabamians diagnosed with the condition compared to 24.9% nationally according to a 2002 study by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC),. And Alabama's adult diabetes rate of 10.5% was the highest in America, more than double the 5% rate in 50th-ranked Minnesota.

Getting Fit
Something has to be done to stop the epidemic of obesity in our state. Unfortunately, obesity can be one of the most difficult diseases to treat. Weight loss itself is a simple matter: once a person's daily caloric intake falls below the number of calories needed, the body begins to burn fat to stay alive, resulting in weight loss. The difficulty comes in restricting caloric intake - the primal urge to eat when hungry is almost irresistible.

Many people who suffer from obesity also have disordered relationships with food, consuming food to quell uncomfortable emotions rather than for nutrition or the pleasure of eating. In fact, many among the obese in our state are food addicts, plagued by a constant desire to eat even when they are not hungry.

Obesity is not a character flaw. It is a medical condition requiring medical treatment. Sadly, the pain and emotional trauma of obesity often leads those with the disease to attempt self-treatment. Many obese persons try to lose their excess weight by means of gimmicks, fad diets, exercise programs, or so-called weight-loss pills. These efforts lead some to lose significant weight, but most quickly regain it after they discontinue their weight loss program. Many people suffer damage to their health as a result of such quickie "cures".

No miracle cure for obesity exists. The only way to successfully treat the disease of obesity is through medical care, based upon a complete change in the patient's lifestyle and eating habits. To beat obesity we must change the way Alabamans think about and relate to food, enabling us to eat better food and less of it.

For most of us, education, counseling, support, and willpower are enough to accomplish this. For the rest, another option exists: weight loss surgery.

About Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Most procedures are performed laparoscopically, though some may need to be performed through open surgery. The three main types of weight loss surgery are malabsorptive, restrictive, and combination, each with different risks and benefits. In each, however, the principle is the same: to surgically alter the patient's stomach and/or digestive tract in order to physically limit the amount of food the patient can eat at a given time. If successful, the surgical alterations will cause the patient to take in fewer calories each day than he or she burns, resulting in steady, safe weight loss.

Weight loss surgery can be a true lifesaver. However, it is not a magic cure for obesity; only a complete change in the patient's lifestyle and relationship to food can cure the disease. Patients who fail to follow postoperative instructions may regain any weight lost or reach a weight-loss plateau over time. The decision to undergo weight loss surgery is also irrevocable; currently, only the Lap-band procedure is reversible.

Those considering bariatric surgery as an option for the management of obesity should carefully weigh the risks and possible outcomes of these procedures in consultation with their physician prior to making a decision.

Alabama can win the war on obesity, but it will take time, money, and the will to win. By educating ourselves, supporting one another, and using weight loss surgery as a weapon of last resort, we can make our state healthier, happier, and a better place in which to live.

Weight loss surgery in Alabama is a growing trend, since nearly 65% of the state population is overweight or obese. Visit online website for Weight Loss Surgery.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Easy Tips For Rapid Weight Loss

Are you eager to lose weight - fast? You can achieve your goals without counting calories or carbohydrates, and without starving. I am going to give you some tips for rapid weight loss that will change the way you think about dieting forever!

Nearly everyone believes that in order to experience fast weight loss, you must resort to fasting, counting calories or starvation diets. This is absolutely the farthest thing from the truth. What is the truth? It's much simpler than people think.

Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

1. Learn what foods burn fat. There are many normal, everyday foods that are excellent fat burners. Foods like chicken, fruits, dairy products, foods containing calcium, nuts - the list goes on and on.

2. Learn how to use these foods to achieve fast weight loss. By learning how to combine these foods the right way, you can speed your metabolism and burn calories like you would never imagine. The right combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is what helps you lose weight quickly.

3. How often should you eat? This is where many people get it all wrong. Eating 3 meals per day is what most of us have learned through out lifetime. Wrong again! Eating more often and eating smaller portions keeps metabolic rate going at a fat burning speed.

These are a few tips for rapid weight loss that definitely work, and work well. You can lose weight quickly without resorting to expensive diet meals, diet pills, or the latest fad diet. This plan will also help you keep the weight off forever, and improve your health.

If you are interested in learning all the little secrets of fast weight loss, there is an online plan that can't be beat. This plan teaches you everything there is to know about fat burning foods, increasing metabolism, and a little known method called "calorie cycling".

Interested in this awesome plan and more tips for rapid weight loss? Visit the links below!

Learn more about the BEST program ever for quick weight loss, Fat Loss 4 Idiots. For information on the best diet program choices, visit Lose Weight and Burn Fat.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Weight Loss Secrets and Orovo Detox - My Story

I have struggled all my time with being big or heavy. In my early life I was most of the time the "chubby" girl at the corner in my group of friends. I fought with my weight years after years and it seemed that I could not shed my "extra pounds" regardless of what I did.

But a "miracle" sometimes happens. On March 2, after two months following the instructions in a book, I finally reached my weight goal! That day in my blog I wrote:

"Today I can proudly announce that, finally I reached my goal!

I did it! Actually I am 32 pounds lighter than I was 2 months ago! I am sooooo happy!"

Here is my story:

Last year near New Years Eve, I made a New Year's resolution (don't laugh at me, you know what that means sometimes) to try to get rid of some pounds one more time. I even started a new blog to let all my friends and my family know to keep myself accountable. All I wanted is to lose 30 pounds. This time I am using a lady doctor's book with meaningful tips to get lighter and healthier, which was recommended by a neighbor who dropped by my home and told me how this book changed her life.

I found the book is really helpful in guiding you through the weight loss process.

While most of us keep our outside clean, we tend not to pay much attention on the inside. Dr Suzanne, the lady doctor and the author of the e-book, discovered that toxins from food preservatives, additives, pesticides plus simply decayed food can build up in our color and skin, resulting in a hard, toxic, plaque that further prevents efficient elimination and absorption. When this layer of plaque is naturally got rid of, it allows for better absorption of nutrients and the body self-regulates to desire less food because you got more nutrients with those plaques removed.

In addition to that, many of us may not be aware that we are actually infested with intestinal parasites. They get the nutrients from your bodies and cause further issues as they continue to grow and multiply. Removal of these parasites can have an amazing effect on your body health.

I know these aren't pleasant things to think about, but they're true. After some skepticism I started on the book titled "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" 10 months ago and am really satisfied with the results. I dropped over 6 dress sizes and shed 32 lbs in under 60 days.

I started following the tips in the book. At the same time, I also took some natural foods that help detoxing my body and reducing my body toxins. The latter is not absolutely necessary but it helps. This worked pretty well. I started losing pounds much quicker than I thought. I am much lighter than I was 10 months ago! I love this product because:

* It eliminates Harmful Waste, Toxins and Buildup

* It helps me lose weight fast by getting rid of toxins in your body as mentioned above and as a result boosting your metabolism, all naturally.

* It increases your energy levels

* It reduces your Constipation, Gas, Fatigue, etc..

After a week my family, friends, and colleagues started to take notice. I'd love to hear compliments about my figure, for the first time! I can't wait for Thanksgiving when my whole family will see the even newer version of mine!

If you are trying to lose weight I suggest you give Top Secret Fat Loss Secret a try. If money is not a big issue, you may also try some "super foods" I mentioned above, such as Orovo Detox. Let me know how they actually work for you by leaving a comment to this article. I do love to hear from you soon on your progress.

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