Fast Weight Loss

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Weight Loss Plan -- Resistance Training

My last article, Make Diets Work, concluded that dieting the old way (eating fewer calories) doesn't work. Diet shock, slower metabolism, and eventually, weight regain are inevitable consequences of dieting to lose weight.

The only two options are to stop dieting and exercise only or continue dieting as usual with additional steps to prevent diet shock from initiating the weight regain reactions. This article is on exercising to lose weight.

How Exercise Can Help You Lose Weight

There are two ways in which exercise can lead to weight loss. The first way is simple thermodynamics and the second way is metabolic.

1. Thermodynamics and Weight Loss

Weight loss will occur when the amount of energy you consume (calories) is less than the amount of energy you use or "burn." You can achieve this state, referred to as a negative energy balance and represents a true energy deficit, by eating fewer calories, exercising more, or both.

Let's look at a simple example and use exercise as the sole means of creating a negative energy balance, which will lead to weight loss.

Before Exercising...

Energy in (calories consumed)=3000

Energy out (calories used or burned)=2700

Total energy= +300 calories extra that you will store as fat

After starting an Exercise Program...

Energy in=3000

Energy out=3100

Total energy= -100, utilize stored energy to make up the 100 calorie deficit

On a daily basis, by exercising, you'll create an energy deficit of 100 calories that your body will fix by using stored energy. This results in weight loss. No fancy diets, no added cost, no diet shock and weight regain, just weight loss by moving your body in some consistent manner, called exercise.

Historically, this option makes the most sense, too. Your extra weight is extra energy collected over the years. So why not do something that directly gets rid of the extra energy keeping you overweight? This is what exercise does. It burns the extra energy you have by physically working your muscles.

Dieting to lose weight, on the other hand, is an indirect attempt to burn the extra energy packed away as fat.

2. Metabolic Weight Loss

The more you exercise the more you use muscle. The more you use muscle the more metabolically active muscle becomes. This means, even at rest, you'll burn more calories and protect yourself from gaining weight in the first place.

The Best Exercise

Read up on circuit training. This uses both aerobic and anaerobic exercises in one program. I wrote about this two years ago and you can read parts of my original article at Circuit Training.

I use resistance bands instead of weights for the anaerobic part. They are easy to use and, if done properly with stretching, can lead to toned muscles fast. Toned muscle means fast metabolic rates and the best protection from weight gain known to man.


Stop dieting and start moving! This is the best way to lose weight and to keep it off. Diet shock, weight regain, and the Yo-Yo Diet are no worries of yours if you exercise to lose weight.

To Healthy Living!

Michael A. Smith, MD

Chief Medical Consultant

Diet Basics Website

Dr. Michael A. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content rich website dedicated to the on-line dieter. Please visit his site at Diet Basics and learn how to make your diet work. - Children tend to eat what their parents eat, finds a new study thatsuggests a parental contribution to the growing obesity problem amongyoung children and teenagers.

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Weight Loss Tips - Ten Effective Solutions from a Registered Dietitian

1. Eat 5-6 small meals per day.

Your body uses physical, uncomfortable cues to guide you to action based on physiological needs. When you are thirsty, your body is telling you that you are dehydrated and you need to drink. When you have to urinate, there is an uncomfortable feeling of a full bladder, which gets worse if you do not relieve yourself. Upon receiving these cues, would you ignore them simply because you are busy? Most often, thirst and the need to urinate are acted upon immediately, so the stimulus never gets too powerful. Hunger is the body's way of telling you that you need to eat. Don't ignore it! If fact, it is best to avoid hunger all together, so you dont feel the urge to run to the refrigerator the same way you may run to the rest room when pulling over on a long car trip.

Also, since every meal should contain a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats, all the different digestion mechanisms will be activated to digest the mini-meals, which burns more calories when digesting your set number of calories.

2. Include lean protein at every meal.

Eating protein at every meal gives your body a constant supply of amino acids. When sugar is made in the body, amino acid carbon skeletons are often utilized. A diet that is higher in protein prevents the body from using your muscle stores to make sugar. Also, many studies show that diets which are moderately high in protein (~30% of calories as protein) allow for greater muscle retention during weight loss. Furthermore, protein is the most important nutrient for satiety-- you will not feel hungry as quickly. A 30% protein diet has not caused medical problems in research.

Good examples of lean protein include tilapia, skin-less chicken breast, turkey breast, 95% lean ground beef, some pork loins/chops (check nutritional info on package), 1% cottage cheese, and textured vegetable protein.

3. Eat raw, non-starchy vegetables and fruits frequently.

Always have non-starchy vegetables available for as your new "snack food." They are good for you, fill you up, and give you something to chew on when you just feel like chewing on something. Also include non-starchy vegetables at most meals; vegetables make a reduced calorie diet far more substantial.

Good examples are broccoli, collard greens, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, water chestnuts, peppers, onions, and a multitude of others.

Eat 2-3 servings of low-glycemic fruits a day. Fruits are high in antioxidants, fiber, and generally very low in calories. For example a small piece of cheap white bread has 60-80 calories-- a cup of strawberries has only 50.

Good examples of fruits that fit in this category are nectarines (~60 calories), plums (~35 calories), peaches (~65 calories), strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and apples. Remember, fresh is usually best. If you buy frozen fruits, make sure there is no added sugar.

4. Choose mostly whole grains.

The best whole grains are still completely intact and have not been processed or are minimally processed. Examples are brown rice, barley, quinoa, bulgur, and old-fashioned oats (which have been minimally processed because of the rolling). The germ (high in B vitamins and healthy fats), endosperm (carbohydrate portion), and bran (makes you regular) are all in their natural, intact forms.

5. Learn to cook and make the majority of your food at home- buy stock in tupperware.

The only way to know a food fits into your diet is if you make it! You needn't restrict yourself to exclusively broccoli and haddock (though these are both excellent foods).

Fresh herbs can be put on pretty much anything. They are absolutely wonderful and add tons of flavor without calories, fat or salt. As an added benefit, many herbs and spices have health benefits, including garlic, parsley, and turmeric. Use herbs and spices early and often. Have an "herb of the week" and put it on everything you cook. The herb will not work with everything, but you will learn how flavors blend and become a better cook.

Pick up random vegetables and look up how to prepare them online. I've discovered the joys of collard greens, fresh water chestnuts, and purple cabbage in this way.

A little salt is okay! It adds flavor without adding calories-- try adding dry soup mixes to roasted vegetables and meats.

6. When you eat out, eat a full serving of protein before leaving-- order a broth based soup without high fat meat added or a salad with all nuts, cheese, and dressings on the side.

This tip serves a couple of purposes. Firstly, the about of protein in the salad will probably be inadequate to keep you satisfied. Secondly, you will not arrive completely famished and will be able to maintain your eating plan. Request fruit, sorbet, or coffee for an after dinner treat!

7. Hide or eliminate all junk food from your kitchen and house.

It's a proven fact, if you can see it, you are more likely to eat it. It is optimal to remove these foods altogether; however, if your family will not allow you to be the nutrition police, then hide all distractors in cupboards on the highest shelf.

8. Focus on water based foods with a lot of weight, volume, and fiber.

This tip confirms the important of eating of lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, fruit, broth-based soups, and 1% or fat-free dairy. Research shows that people are likely to eat the same volume of food every day. Water adds volume to food without adding calories; hence, you can eat the same volume of food and reduce your overall calories for the day. This is why regular cheddar cheese has fewer calories per gram than dry fat-free pretzels.

9. Get moving!

Successful weight loss requires both healthy diet and exercise. If you do not exercise already, start off small-- take the stairs, park far away from building, go for a walk on a nice day! As you become used to being more active, consider formal exercise. It is most important that you find something you like to do! Try group classes or training for a race!

10. Announce goals and keep supportive company.

Announcing a goal makes it official. A goal is both specific (you are measurable a specific thing inches, weight, number of calories you will take in each day, etc.) and measurable (you give a number to say how much, time limits, etc). An example of a goal: I will take one multivitamin each morning.

Supportive company is key-- find someone who is as excited about your health and fitness goals as you are-- give them regular, but brief, updates about your progress. Explain to people who may be less supportive why weight loss is important to you. Keep a healthy and positive attitude and unsupportive people may alter their views.

Jean Jitomir is a Cornell graduate, registered dietitian, Exercise Nutrition PhD student and nationally competitive bodybuilder. She has lost over 30 lbs since she became active 5 years ago and does weight-loss counseling on a daily basis.

A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, January 21, 2009. IBM and a rebound in bank stocks. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)Reuters - Stocks rallied for a second day on Friday on hopes Washington's stimulus package and a bank rescue plan will bolster the ailing economy, even as data showed the biggest one-month job losses in 34 years.

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Weight Loss and MSG

Are you overweight?Do you struggle with trying to lose weight?Well, you are not alone.Americans are getting fatter, and over 2/3 of US adults are now either overweight or even obese.About 1/3 of children fall into this category as well.Many of us think it's all our fault, if only we had the willpower to eat less and eat better foods and exercise more, we would be able to lose weight.Well, although we will be healthier and more likely to end up at a normal weight if we do these things, did you know that it is far more difficult to do when you consume MSG and other chemicals in your diet?

MSG Causes Weight Gain

Did you know that in medical studies where scientists need obese rats for their study, they often cause this obesity by feeding the rats MSG?They are not sure exactly what this mechanism is that causes the obesity, but think it has something to do with the appetite center in the hypothalamus that malfunctions with the consumption of MSG.It also appears that MSG raises levels of glutamic acid, and in turn insulin levels in the human body.With higher insulin levels, blood sugar drops, and this can cause you to feel hungrier and hence cause you to eat more.If you eat a lot of MSG, the consequent over-release of insulin can lead to insulin resistance and eventually type II diabetes.

It is very interesting to note that in the film "Supersize Me", Mr. Spurlock gained 25 pounds in 1 month of eating McDonald's foods, and many of these foods do contain pure monosodium glutamate (MSG).However, the one man who was interviewed who ate only Big Macs (which is NOT one of the menu items with added MSG) was thin.

If your appetite control mechanism is malfunctioning, you may very well keep eating, even when you are full, and even when you know that the food you are eating is bad for you.Has that ever happened to you? Like with Doritos, for example?In fact, some of the foods many of us crave today have MSG in them.

MSG often in Food even if not Labeled MSG

Even though many have lobbied to have all MSG and similar types of ingredients included on the food label, this is not yet the case.You can eat a product with a label claiming to be MSG-free, but it can still contain free glutamate acid, which is really the same thing.In addition, ingredients that include MSG can just be listed without disclosing the MSG in them."Natural flavors" for example, are usually all but natural and almost always contain MSG.Like with refined sugar, you will find that MSG is contained in most packaged and restaurant foods, so if you are serious about losing weight and getting healthy you really need to start fixing your meals from scratch as much as possible.You can make up bigger batches and freeze them for convenience in order to make it easier.

Food Ingredients that Probably Contain MSG

Some of the ingredients you need to avoid that may contain MSG include hydrolyzed vegetable or soy protein, "natural" flavors, yeast extract, gelatin, bouillon, broth or stock, enzymes, citric acid and more*.

So, next time you go on a diet, make sure you put MSG on your "to avoid" list.Even if you are not dieting, MSG can cause all sorts of health problems, and is really best avoided.

Copyright 2008, Karen Pijuan. Permission is granted to copy this article only in its entirety, and only if all links, including those in the resource box or about the author box, remain intact.

Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about nutrition, vitamins, healthy living, whole food supplements, natural body care and cleaning products, natural weight loss and more. Find out more about what to look for in a truly healthy vitamin, as well as resources for where to find the whole food vitamins she recommends at

*For a more complete list of ingredients that contain or are likely to contain MSG, go to the Stop Eating Diet Food Website:

Reuters - Obesity has been linked to higher odds of several pregnancy complications, and a new study shows that the risks apply to teenagers as well as adults.

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The Truth About Green Tea Weight Loss

Green tea is now used in many health products globally. Primarily it is known for the benefits it provides as an antioxidant, but has many other positive health properties. Green tea weight loss extracts can be consumed in many ways including as regular tea plus it can be purchased in liquid or tablet form but whichever way it is used it has an excellent record as a calorie burner.

Although known more for its weight loss properties, extended use has other beneficial affects by slowing the oxidation process of our cells to reduce the signs of aging. With weight loss however, both the laxative effects and anti-oxidant abilities are used to help improve the metabolism. The product increases the metabolic rate and the number of calories burnt so less fatty tissue forms.

The wonders of green tea weight loss health products will not work alone and require the commitment of the user to exercise and eat healthily. For it to work, adjustments to diet and mental attitude are necessary for a person to become healthier, it is not just a case of losing weight.

When prepared as infusion, green tea should be used in the evening before going to bed. It is quite normal for most people to find they're stomach and bowel upset during the first few days after using the product but this should not last much longer than this. By making adjustments to the metabolic rate, the body will not retain toxins long enough to enter the blood; this is how green tea weight loss products work. If you maintain other parts of your diet; exercise, plenty of liquids and vegetables, results of using it can be seen within a week.

One very successful combination of green tea products is that which includes ginseng root extract. Considered to be the root of life in China and Tibet, ginseng root brings the vitamin and mineral supplement the body needs during a detoxification period.

Getting back to a normal weight can be stressful but the addition of ginseng to the green tea helps provide extra energy and fortification by assisting your body's own immune system. Both ginseng and green tea have excellent safety records even when the diet lasts up to 26 weeks.

Visit this link to find more useful green tea weight loss tips.

AP - The first U.S. case of Marburg hemorrhagic fever has been confirmed in Colorado, and authorities say the patient - who contracted the rare illness while traveling in Uganda - has since recovered.

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