Fast Weight Loss

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Two Valuable Weight Loss Tips For You

Are u tired of your present obese situation? Do you want to do something about it? If your answer to both of the questions is yes, then you must take a positive approach. Approaching your problem positively entails that you follow well-structured and well-designed weight loss tips. Although these weight loss tips might consume a lot of time, they are essential for the achievement of one's goals. One must also make sure that these weight loss tips are harmless and encouraged by one's family and doctor.

Tip No: 1 ' Reason Positively, Be Positive, Act Positive.

For you to achieve your desired goal easily, you must have a positive view of yourself. Your health is somewhat psychological in nature, especially when it comes to self-esteem and self-confidence. It is in view of this that experts advise that negative thoughts should be avoided because it blocks one's chances of success.

Tip No: 2 ' Consume Light and Healthy Foods.

A good number of other good-to-follow weight loss tips recommend that one's diet consist of low fat, a high amount of vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates. Although, these diets might not always taste very good, one must always remember that it is only determination that remains the short-cut to success. With time, you'd come to discover that following the right weight loss tip can be a lot easy. Why? You might want to ask. Well this is because when one slowly but consistently makes a low fat diet an important part of life, it becomes ideal at all phases of one's life.

It is advised that such diet should include whole grain cereals, fresh fruits, pasta, green vegetables, breads, beans and nuts. The eating of junk and fried foods should be stopped at once. May I also add that it is important that one drinks much water all through the day as well. From experience, beginning the day with a heavy, but fat free meal such as Cornbread with Taramasalata would be very helpful as it makes one feel less hungry during the day.

At the end, it can be concluded from the above discussion that you are not only required to put physical efforts towards your weight loss plan, you are also required to put mental efforts as well; so be positive all the time. There are uncountable options that are available to all those who want to reduce their weight. Which solution to choose and which one to ignore becomes a challenge. So always pick up smart solutions; selection of healthy and light diet with healthy exercises to reduce weight. The simplest formula that you can use in order to measure your progress is the calories intake divided by calories lost, the smaller the value, the better the result.

Shedding pounds can be difficult. But What if I told you that there is a method out there that combines rapid weight loss with a genuine long-term sustainable weight loss plan that has showed remarkable results? Click here for more information.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (R) speaks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a meeting in her office on Capitol Hill, February 4, 2009. (Jason Reed/Reuters)Reuters - U.S. Treasury chief Timothy Geithner said on Saturday that banks getting public aid under a new rescue plan must help struggling homeowners by reworking their mortgages, according to Democratic sources.

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Easy Diets Are Possible

If you're serious about losing weight and improving your health through an easy weight loss program, you have to make some changes.

Don't panic - these don't have to be drastic. However, these changes will essentially involve your existing habits and attitudes. For people with special diets the allergy recipes should make foods so "normal" that family members and guests so they will not realize they're not eating wheat. Try to make sure these recipes are suitable for daily use by the moderately allergic and occasional/rotated use by people with more severe food allergies who must rotate their foods.

As we get older we often get busier, and before we know it, find ourselves in the prime of our lives and packing a few extra pounds. With so little extra time in our lives it is impractical to join the latest diet fad or commit to sweating in the gym for hours at a time. Are we all destined to grow outward with each passing year, or is there a simple way for us to reclaim our healthy figures? Don't get me wrong: Losing weight is not easy. You will never hear me say that it is. It takes dedication, motivation and hard work.

But there are some fairly simple changes that will greatly improve your chances of weight loss success. If you're serious about changing your lifestyle, these steps will get you there.

The key is to dedicate yourself to these changes and do them consistently. If there is one thing that everyone would agree on when it comes to weight loss is that it is difficult. There are no short cuts. Regardless of how weight loss ads claim, losing weight takes time and discipline. To lose weight, you need to be completely dedicated to your goal. You also have to have an easy weight loss program that you can follow. There are different kinds of easy diets that you can consider; however, you should choose the program that suits your lifestyle.

Studies indicate that human beings come into the world with hundreds of genes and associated hormones that regulate the energy-balance equation. Calories consumed by us on one side and calories burned, through physical activity and calories needed to keep the body healthy on the other. Anything left over transforms into body fat. When launching into a diet, it's vital to get a handle on understanding diets and why one diet may be better for you than another. At first, when you get interested in dieting, there's three main things which are important to the typical diet and these are as follows: Sleep, Exercise and Diet. The three of these are essential to understanding diets and enjoying their maximum benefits.

The Author, due to a health crisis has committed himself to a healthy lifestyle that has shown great benefit. You can read his take on the dilemma and the popular thinking on the Easy Diets that is freezing his home country, the United States, into submission.

Reuters - The Obama administration's eagerly-awaited bank rescue plan will offer to insure some distressed assets held by banks, authorize the government to purchase others, and spend up to $100 billion to buy and modify troubled homeowner mortgages, a source with knowledge of the plan told Reuters on Friday.

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Fat Person Weight Loss

If you're a fat person, weight loss is kind of a big deal to you. First off, please don't be offended by the title of this article. I was just trying to grab your attention so that maybe you'd read it and learn something. If you are overweight and sick of how you look and how tired you always feel, take 2 minutes to read through this article so you can start reversing your situation.

Fat Person Weight Loss

1. Drop almost all drinks that have calories in them

The only exception would be protein shakes. But this is how you can do it. If you are anything like I was, you love drinking sodas. For me, I was big on lemonades and Mountain Dew. But in less than 3 days, I was able to successfully give them up and save myself thousands of calories each week.

How did I do it?

I used Stevia packets. These are packets of a natural sugar substitute. I stress the NATURAL part since basically every sugar substitute on the market is man-made and UNNATURAL. So I took these packets, 2 at a time, and put them in my waters. I either shoot it up (if I was using my water bottle) or stirred it in (if it was in a glass).

Then I drank it. Simple. Nothing to it. The water was nice and sweet. I didn't have a craving for the sugars in lemonade or Mountain Dew. Problem solves in under 3 days. I have no desires for sodas now.

2. Do this 1 thing for me, focus on eating a breakfast high in protein and/or fiber

Breakfast is vital. How you day goes is a reflection of what you start out with. Scrambled eggs and 1/2 can of black beans will start you out right. They fill you up and kickstart the metabolism from it's nightly fast. Because you get a nutritious breakfast, you're less likely to snack on unhealthy stuff... along with having less cravings and junk food urges in the afternoon and at night. If you don't have eggs and black beans, try having rolled oats oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder.

This is simple and the ultimate fat person weight loss method to use.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Mary Schapiro during a news conference in Chicago, December 18, 2008. (Jeff Haynes/Reuters)Reuters - Securities and Exchange Commission officials looked to reassure investors on Friday that they would reinvigorate the agency's policing of Wall Street, improve the quality of credit ratings and said they expect to bring more cases against mortgage fraud.

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How to Set Weight Loss Goals

When you are trying to lose weight, there will be many obstacles in your way. Fast food, dinners out at restaurants, or snack foods in the house can all have a way of doing in whatever motivation you may have in losing weight. Fortunately there is a way to set goals that can break through these temptations and keep you on track with what you are really going after. Let's get started.

The number 1 weapon in your arsenal is to have a strong desire. What is the reason why you want to lose weight and how good will it feel when you do? Feeling is a key word here as feelings are what really drive us in either direction, good or bad. Now that you have that feeling, allow yourself to enjoy it for a few moments.

Next, you have to get specific on what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to lose 10 pounds or twenty or more? You have to set a specific number down. Just saying to yourself, I want to lose weight is not enough. Write that number down in large print on a 3x5 index card. Carry that around you wherever you go. Look at it in the morning and at night. Look at it when you feel tempted.

Third, you have to take action. Are you going to exercise and cut down on unwanted junk food? Are you going to add a larger portion of high quality protein that's low in fat to your diet? Are you going to go out to the grocery store right now and purchase fresh fruit and vegetables to replace the unhealthy snacks and processed foods you've been eating? You have to have a specific action (or more, preferably) to take in order to make sure you succeed.

Now that you have these three steps in place, make sure you stay on track. Use that index card as a constant reminder. Keep yourself going. Get up and exercise when you can. Eat the right foods. And remember that desire that is driving you there. You can do it.

For more goal setting and success related information, go to and SIGN up for the FREE newsletter. BOOKMARK the site and return again and again. PURCHASE the e-book, 7 Steps To Success and get motivated to make life changes in all areas! Start NOW, Start TODAY!

Bryan Appleton is an author of self-help motivational literature as well as an entrepreneuer and investor. He is a single father and has made it one of his life's goals to try and help other people live the lives they are dreaming of.

AP - In a story Feb. 5 about Citigroup's residential lending unit, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Citigroup Inc. sold servicing rights on a loan portfolio to American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. for $1.5 billion. American Home Mortgage Servicing says the dollar amount is not the outright sale price; rather, most of the $1.5 billion includes advances American Home Mortgage is making to the trusts that own the loans.

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Exercise Schedule For Maximum Weight Loss

Here's an exercise schedule for maximum weight loss. It's perfect for busy people who can't get to the gym. The great thing is that you simplify your workouts while getting significantly better results... FASTER. If you don't have much time for working out, then take the next 2 minutes to read this article for the solution.

Exercise Schedule

1. Workout while watching tv... during the commercials

I know you watch tv. Don't bother saying otherwise. Even super busy people take time to relax. That's good. I'm going to make this work for you. Here's what you need to know. Tv commercials last about 3 minutes at a time. There's about 7 breaks for commercials. So that's about 20 minutes in 1 hour of tv watching that you can get in a workout. You don't even need to do it all in 1 hour either. Spread out your mini-workouts. It doesn't matter.

What to do? There's plenty of things. If you have stairs in your home, walk up and down them for 3 minutes non-stop. Get a mini-trampoline and get jumping. Use a hula hoop. Do jumping jacks. Jump rope. See, plenty of options. Look at your options, don't look for excuses.

2. Take 5 minutes for this special COMBO routine

What is it? It's running up your stairs and walking down them. Now obviously, you'll need some stairs in your home. If you don't have them, review the options in the first part of this article. You do this for 5 minutes non-stop. That's it. Quick and effective.

If you want to lose weight, this is a good exercise schedule for maximum weight loss.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

People wait in line to talk to job recruiters at a career fair in Los Angeles in this file image taken February 3, 2009. (Lucy Nicholson/Files/Reuters)Reuters - U.S. employers slashed 598,000 jobs in January, the biggest monthly loss in 34 years, and the jobless rate soared to a 16-year peak, putting pressure on lawmakers to act quickly to counter a deepening recession.

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