Fast Weight Loss

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Diabetes - The Effects of Weight Loss on Blood Sugar

Anyone that has been diagnosed and treated for diabetes knows the importance of checking your blood sugar levels regularly throughout the day. It is important to maintain steady blood sugar levels to avoid adverse symptoms such as confusion, dizziness, and shakiness. Large variations in your blood sugar levels can cause fainting and possible coma as well. The effects of weight loss on blood sugar are dramatic. Here are some things you should know.

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar occurs when your body's blood sugar levels become lower than they should be. This can occur when your insulin levels are too high. People with diabetes can experience hypoglycemia when they are trying to lose weight if they don't make adjustments to their diabetic medications (like insulin). This happens because losing weight can cause your sugar levels to drop. If you don't reduce the amount of insulin you are taking (or monitor your sugar carefully) then you can become hypoglycemic.

Hyerglycemia or high blood sugar occur when your body's sugar levels become higher than they should be. This can occur when your insulin levels are too low to be effective in reducing your blood sugar levels. The amount of sugar in your blood will be affected by what you eat so it is important to monitor your sugar frequently as you are dieting to lose weight.

Knowing the effects of weight loss on blood sugar should help you understand the importance of careful monitoring of your sugar levels so you can adjust your insulin levels accordingly. Likely when you start dieting to lose weight you will start exercising as well. This is good and will have a "double whammy" effect on your sugar levels. Exercise can help lower your blood sugar levels just like weight loss can. In the long run exercising will help keep your sugar in balance throughout the day along with a proper diet.

Educating yourself on how weight loss effects blood sugar can literally save your life. People suffering from diabetes have this special challenge of finding the right combination of diet and exercise to control the dangerous effects of fluctuating sugar levels. Read all that you can and always consult your physician before starting any exercise plan or change in your diet. Never adjust your medications without first consulting your physician.

Here is a resource that can help you understand the effects of weight loss on blood sugar. You will also receive my free ebook "The Secret To Losing Weight" by clicking here now.

Peter Harris is a Physical Therapist that promotes health and wellness by writing frequently about diet, exercise and nutrition.


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Hoodia Chaser - A Real Weight Loss Solution

Many people eat for a variety of reasons. Most are hungry and if they haven't satisfied that urge to eat, they become distracted. What do you do when you are eating more than you should, more than is necessary, but you just can't shake that hungry feeling? The answer for you could be in Hoodia Chaser. Hoodia is a small, succulent plant that grows in the semi-arid desert of South Africa. This powerful plant has appetite suppressant qualities.

Hoodia Chaser is a liquid form of Hoodia and is absorbed into the body almost 90% faster than pill form. It is 100% natural, stimulant-free, ephedrine-free and caffeine-free. There is a tremendous demand for Hoodia, and Hoodia Chaser is certified to be 100% authentic. Not only will your appetite be suppressed, but there are several added benefits to Hoodia Chaser. You will experience added energy and you will receive a lifetime member of access to a results-based on line fitness program.

Combined Hoodia Chaser with a healthy food program, steady exercise routine, and continue to drink plenty of water and you can regain your slim body easier and faster.
Hoodia is a very different form of diet aid. It is an actual appetite suppressant that does not contain any dangerous or banned ingredients. There are no harmful side effects. This miraculous plant actually fools your brain into thinking you are full and it takes away those hunger pangs.

Many people have tried dieting without success. They continue to struggle with hunger and many have given up because it is just too hard to do on their own. This is the appetite suppressant they have been waiting for. A few drops of the Hoodia Chaser liquid and you could be on your way to being the weight you want to be. The Hoodia Chaser Program will equip you to lose and become a more confident you.

Click Here for Hoodia Chaser and a full product report including customer feedback and user testimonials. Hoodia Chaser is a real weight loss solution.

A Sirius Satellite Radio unit is shown installed in a private vehicle in Washington February 20, 2007. (Jason Reed/Reuters)Reuters - Sirius XM Radio Inc has been working with its advisers to prepare for a possible bankruptcy filing, the New York Times reported on its website on Tuesday, citing people close to the company.

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Weight Loss and MSG

Are you overweight?Do you struggle with trying to lose weight?Well, you are not alone.Americans are getting fatter, and over 2/3 of US adults are now either overweight or even obese.About 1/3 of children fall into this category as well.Many of us think it's all our fault, if only we had the willpower to eat less and eat better foods and exercise more, we would be able to lose weight.Well, although we will be healthier and more likely to end up at a normal weight if we do these things, did you know that it is far more difficult to do when you consume MSG and other chemicals in your diet?

MSG Causes Weight Gain

Did you know that in medical studies where scientists need obese rats for their study, they often cause this obesity by feeding the rats MSG?They are not sure exactly what this mechanism is that causes the obesity, but think it has something to do with the appetite center in the hypothalamus that malfunctions with the consumption of MSG.It also appears that MSG raises levels of glutamic acid, and in turn insulin levels in the human body.With higher insulin levels, blood sugar drops, and this can cause you to feel hungrier and hence cause you to eat more.If you eat a lot of MSG, the consequent over-release of insulin can lead to insulin resistance and eventually type II diabetes.

It is very interesting to note that in the film "Supersize Me", Mr. Spurlock gained 25 pounds in 1 month of eating McDonald's foods, and many of these foods do contain pure monosodium glutamate (MSG).However, the one man who was interviewed who ate only Big Macs (which is NOT one of the menu items with added MSG) was thin.

If your appetite control mechanism is malfunctioning, you may very well keep eating, even when you are full, and even when you know that the food you are eating is bad for you.Has that ever happened to you? Like with Doritos, for example?In fact, some of the foods many of us crave today have MSG in them.

MSG often in Food even if not Labeled MSG

Even though many have lobbied to have all MSG and similar types of ingredients included on the food label, this is not yet the case.You can eat a product with a label claiming to be MSG-free, but it can still contain free glutamate acid, which is really the same thing.In addition, ingredients that include MSG can just be listed without disclosing the MSG in them."Natural flavors" for example, are usually all but natural and almost always contain MSG.Like with refined sugar, you will find that MSG is contained in most packaged and restaurant foods, so if you are serious about losing weight and getting healthy you really need to start fixing your meals from scratch as much as possible.You can make up bigger batches and freeze them for convenience in order to make it easier.

Food Ingredients that Probably Contain MSG

Some of the ingredients you need to avoid that may contain MSG include hydrolyzed vegetable or soy protein, "natural" flavors, yeast extract, gelatin, bouillon, broth or stock, enzymes, citric acid and more*.

So, next time you go on a diet, make sure you put MSG on your "to avoid" list.Even if you are not dieting, MSG can cause all sorts of health problems, and is really best avoided.

Copyright 2008, Karen Pijuan. Permission is granted to copy this article only in its entirety, and only if all links, including those in the resource box or about the author box, remain intact.

Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about nutrition, vitamins, healthy living, whole food supplements, natural body care and cleaning products, natural weight loss and more. Find out more about what to look for in a truly healthy vitamin, as well as resources for where to find the whole food vitamins she recommends at

*For a more complete list of ingredients that contain or are likely to contain MSG, go to the Stop Eating Diet Food Website: - A new study suggests that obesity during pregnancy is a powerful and far-reaching risk factor for birth defects

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Do You Need a Plan to Lose Weight

There are huge benefits to be gained from losing weight. Losing weight fast is not an easy thing to do. Many give up and remain unhappy and even put on more weight. Always check with your doctor first.

It is hard to lose weight without a weight loss plan. If you have the wrong diet program you will see every little or no difference in you weight loss. Finding the right weight loss program suited to you is not easy either.

As we all know that losing weight fast is a big challenge and to some it is very tough. It takes time, do not forget that the weight build up over a long period of time. It wont go just like that.

Being overweight is not for external observation only. It is harmful to your health. In the USA around 300,000 people die each year from obesity related illness.

The majority of us would love to find a magic wand which would take all the effort out of losing weight and getting in shape.

What is the right exercise to do in order to produce the best result? There is a great deal of confusion as to what is right. We are all different, so go to the local gym, speak to your fitness expert and agree on an exercise to suit you.

Skipping meals slows down your metabolism, because your body feels like it's not getting enough food. So it goes into survival mode and burns fewer calories. Do not skip meals. It will be harder to lose the weight.

A large number of people embark on diets when they really do not need to. They may only have a few pounds to lose and only need to watch what they eat and do a little exercise.

So you had look at your self and considered that your health will get a boost if you lose the weight. You went to your local gym, spoke to your fitness instructor and decided on your fitness regime. Now what weight loss program should you decide on?

Do you choose diet pills, alternative weight products, health supplements, herbal weight loss portions and pills? This is the age of instant results so we want instant pills and medication.

The goal not necessarily to reach the ideal weight but the benefits to your health and well being will improve immensely. Visit the site below to help you choose the right program for you.

Theresa Williams is a grandmother of two and a part time farmer. She loves information, loves to impart some of her knowledge gained through life. For more info on the above article visit

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on Capitol Hill, February 10, 2009. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)Reuters - The U.S. Federal Reserve believes the extraordinary programs aimed at stabilizing credit and banking have improved market conditions and eased strains despite a drumbeat of negative economic news, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday.

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Loose Weight Quick - Easy Ways to Loose Weight

Loosing weight quick can be a challenging and ultimately rewarding experience that can help you look and feel your best. These simple weight loss tips can and will help you get started, so you can look and feel healthy and more energetic in no time. Here are some simple ways to loose weight quick.

Tip #1 Decide Why You Want To Loose Weight.

To look good? Fit back into some of your favorite clothes? To feel healthier? What ever the reasons keep these in mind at all times. Write them down and put them in a place were you can see them every day. Review them once in a while to remind yourself of the cool reasons you started this.

Tip #2 Keep a food journal

Make a Diet Journal - Write down everything you eat throughout the day no matter how small it is. This will help you stay on your diet in the long run. You can also use your journal to track your weight loss, your feelings and so much more. You can really get creative here. The main point is to write it down. It will keep you involved and motivated.

Tip #3 Drink More Water

Drink More Water - Looking for a way to loose weight quick? then Drink more water. I know this diet tips is so basic, but it is because it flat out works. 6-8 glasses of water every day may sound like a lot, but spread out over the course of the day it isn't. Drinking water before meals will also make you seem fuller and prevent you from overeating.

Tip #4 Don't Skip Breakfast

Always eat breakfast. This will kick-start your metabolism for the day and also help you loose weight quick. It's been slow all night so you want to give it a boost. If you don't have time in the mornings then something as simple as a banana and yoghurt will do the trick. A firm banana will provide a slow release of energy throughout the morning so you shouldn't feel the need for a mid-morning snack.

Tip #5 Consider Fruits and Vegetables

Adding additional fruit and vegetables to your diet provides you with plenty of energy giving vitamins and minerals. In addition to this, they provide extra fiber plus fluid to help speed the movement of food through your bowels. I have found Smoothies to be a great way to quickly add several servings of fresh fruit to my daily menu.

Tip #6 Learn proper portion sizes

Learn proper portion sizes. Most people do not realize what a half a cup of ice-cream looks like; therefore, when they dish up what they believe to be a 350 calorie serving, more than likely they've dished at least a cup and the calories are now 700. Not understanding portion sizes will sabotage your weight loss diet efforts. Again, food labels are your source here. Use measuring cups and count out things like crackers to see just how much you should really be eating. For portion sizes that are measured in ounces, a good rule of thumb is that a fist is about the size of a serving of meat.

Tip #7 Bring your lunch.

While it may be tempting to grab something from a fast food restaurant for a quick lunch, bringing your own lunch that is healthy and low fat is even better. Pack a healthy lunch and throw in some healthy snacks as well. If you bring raw veggies or low fat cheese with whole wheat crackers, you can snack on them between meals. A handful of almonds can be a quick pick me up when late afternoon rolls around and you start to feel fatigued.

Tip # 8 Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day

It's easy to make the excuse that you don't have time to exercise but set aside at least 30 minutes a day for some activity. Exercise can range from sports to running to yoga. There are a variety of fun and simple ways to get your exercise time in without necessarily going to the gym.

Tip #9 Choose walking over driving whenever it makes sense

When given the opportunity to walk to the store or to run errands, choose walking over driving. That extra travel time can be seen as being put towards your exercise time. This is also the environmentally friendly alternative.

Tip #10 Be realistic

If you follow the above guidelines you can eat what you want and loose weight quick.

Keep in mind once you are doing the above your weight will go down quicker than with any fad diet.

Don't starve yourself this won't help.

Crash dieting is unhealthy and the pounds soon come back on.

Stay with the above and you will soon loose weight fast and reach the weight you desire in a healthy manner.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. Your body will never remain the same.

Twenty-three-year GM employee Bob Pohlman performs an electrical component installation for the last time on a truck at the GM plant in Janesville, Wisconin December 23, 2008. (Bill Olmstead/Reuters)Reuters - General Motors Corp will slash its global salaried work force by about 10,000, or 14 percent, this year and impose pay cuts on most remaining white-collar U.S. workers as it scrambles to reduce costs under a restructuring mandated by its U.S. government bailout.

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Losing Pregnancy Weight

Now that you have your baby in your arms, you will probably regret for all the sweet extras that lets you during pregnancy. With so many unrealistic images of women in the entertainment instantly regaining her figure after childbirth, the pressure to achieve the same thing is big. Your body wants to return to their previous state, but you have to help maintain the perspective of what you have achieved, taking into account your limits if you are breastfeeding, maintaining adequate food and doing moderate exercise. This article offers some guidelines to help you lose those kilitos left over after pregnancy.

Keep your perspective: You took nine months to feed and nourish your baby, so you lose weight after childbirth is not a quick process. If you uploaded more than 15 pounds during pregnancy can then take more time, so please be patient! The plan is simple but sometimes the problem is the anxiety of the mother for the responsibility and desire to get off fast. That anxiety can be confused with uncontrollable hunger. As a new mom got to feed well, especially if you are breastfeeding.

One of the advantages of breastfeeding is that it helps you lose weight because it burns extra calories. But at the same time you need to consume at least 300 more calories as when you were pregnant. You can begin to reduce this amount after 6 months, when your child eat solid and no longer depends exclusively on breast milk. It is important that we never take pills or use methods that promise to lose weight, even if they are natural, while you're breastfeeding. Can exacerbate the anxiety and feelings of hunger.

While you should not do diet, you can control what you eat. It is not necessary to eliminate the flour and fat but reduce the portions. Of food favoring low or moderate glycemic index (which are not converted into sugar so fast), dairy, fruits, vegetables and fiber. And do not think of leaving you eat to lose weight. It's better to eat five meals a day: three major and two snacks. And takes a lot of water, especially before, during and after exercising.

While it is true that caring for a baby is already working, it is still important to do exercises to lose weight after pregnancy. Please check with your doctor to start with moderate exercise. Keep in mind that the big muscles burn more calories and working legs and abdominal first. Going by replacing fat with muscle slowly going by burning more calories. Other exercises recommended are the Kegels to strengthen the pelvic floor that you have used during childbirth. They consist of tightening and loosening the muscles you use to urinate, and can be made at any time of day.

Losing weight after pregnancy is not as important as the recovery of your body. You did a lot of effort during pregnancy and childbirth, and now those caring for your baby. You can start your meal plan and immediately add exercises when you feel better. Pay attention to your small achievements and get long-term goals. Do not be discouraged if you have to keep using your maternity wear for a while, but keep sight of your favorite jeans neither!

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A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, February 2, 2009. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)Reuters - More than 1,000 U.S. banks, or one in eight lenders, may fail in the next three to five years as commercial loan losses rise, compounding problems from record mortgage delinquencies and soaring home equity loan defaults, RBC Capital Markets said on Monday.

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Insight Into 3MD Weight Loss Program

Last couple of years so called 3MD diet is gaining on popularity. This diet is also known as 90 day separation diet. It is based on two 90 days dieting periods. Main advantages of this diet should be; clear and easy to follow rules and proven results (weight loss in range of 40 55 pounds). Among other results that 3MD diet promises are decreased sensibility on weather and positive changes in metabolism.

Even though many people find it easy to believe those statements, there are really no in-depth explanation in medical of physical terms, how should this diet in fact work. Further more after this 3MD diet is ended, weight gains are returning. Changing from 3MD diet to our previous nutrition patterns makes people gain weight again. 3MD dieting success is built upon following presumptions:

- We are all subject to a daily nutrition cycles (does not explain what that is).

- We need the right combination of foods - following exact rules defined for each day (protein day, carbohydrate day, starch day, fruit day) and every 29th day there is so called water day or fasting day.

Following those two presumptions one should lose weight regardless how many calories one takes in daily. Menus prescribed by inventors of 3MD diet are quite strict 2 oranges, 3 pieces of cake, smaller chicken, dinner is of lunch,but not mentioning what kind of cake, how big a piece should be, which parts of chicken, how carb rich lunch, nothing about caloric value of foods one should eat.

Many additional rules accompany this diet. There are in fact some healthy advices among them: how one should use olive oil, restriction in salt, advice to consult a doctor. Exercise, which is the corner stone of each serious diet on the world, deserved just an obscure mentioning, not even close to what one should do to lose weight for real. This sad fact makes 3MD diet even more popular with overweight people. Those people become caught in a deadlock of repetitive weight gains after completing this diet. Furthermore this diet offers no explanation what so ever about principles of its effectiveness.

Why is separating foods according to specific days and separating nutrients so important?
How exactly will this make us lose fat?

Daily separation cycle according to 3MD consists of a strict diet from 8pm to midday next day. Within this period only eating fruits and drinking water is allowed. This does not make any sense. Those 16 hours represent 2/3 of the whole day. And one should not starve its body for 16 hours each day. Each body that undergoes such a daily fasting period becomes more sensitive on energy accumulation from each bite we take. Messages our body reports to our brains are to lower energy consumption and leverage the lack of energy with draining energy stored in muscles. We force our body to start dissolving our muscle mass. That is no good news.
Muscles, when in motion, are bodys major energy (fat) burner. So we are actually weakening the only tool that can help us get rid of fat.

3MD does not give any explanation on why should we eat carbohydrates on one day and proteins on the other. The problem is that fruit day and starch day are also carbohydrate days. Sugar in fruits and complex sugar in starch are just two different sorts of the same thing carbohydrates. Even if we somehow can understand fruit day (healthy sugar), it is hard to make sense in separation of starch day and carbohydrate day (complex, refined sugars). And there is a rule where one can take whole-wheat bread together with chicken, which contradicts every sane weight loss program (one should not mix proteins (chicken) with carbohydrates (bread)).
3MD diet does work on a short run. But the weight loss is consequence of water that our body loses with this diet. 3MD is extremely popular as it does not prohibit eating calorie bombs like chocolate. The other short term positive effect of this diet is that it does somehow regulate daily eating habits. People are disciplined by force. That makes it much easier to fall back into old eating patterns as soon as 90 days are over.

Brenda is an online editor to site Appetite Suppresser Guide. Find out more on dieting with appetite suppresser. Brenda has committed herself to provide users with complete on health related topics specialized on dieting, fitness and bodybuilding.

AP - Federal health regulators are requiring more than a dozen drugmakers to develop plans to reduce the misuse of their painkillers, which cause hundreds of deaths each year.

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