Fast Weight Loss

Saturday, April 4, 2009

5 Ways to Break a Healthy Weight Loss Plateau!

Even though everyone loses weight in a different way, it is common and perfectly normal for any dieter to reach a plateau. Instead of allowing it to frustrate you, use it as an opportunity to double up your efforts and reconnect with your strategy to carry you through to the finish line. Listed below are 5 of the best ways to re-ignite the healthy weight loss process when you feel challenged. Choose the tips that work best for you or simply go for them all!

Healthy Weight Loss Plateau Breaker #1: Start Exercising

Although you can lose weight without exercise, it will always accelerate your efforts. If you are not injured or do not suffer from severe asthma, be thankful that you can get outside and move your body. Take advantage of your ability to be active because many people do not have that luxury. The more you exercise, the better you will get at it, and the less it will feel like work.

If you are already exercising, add something different to the mix to make your body working harder. Add intensity, in the form of extra weight, run faster or for a longer distance, or more duration. Going until you fail is the easiest way to ensure you're pushing hard enough. Add extra sit-ups and push-ups before you go to sleep and when you wake up. Done in the AM on an empty stomach, this can kick-start your metabolism by teaching your body to more efficiently mobilize its fat stores for energy.

Healthy Weight Loss Plateau Breaker #2: Make Healthier Eating Choices

When you are trying to lose weight, there is nothing more important than proper nutrition. Your body can perform miracles with choices like soy protein shakes, fruits and vegetables. You'll not only bust past your plateau, but you'll do it in a healthy way. Eliminate refined sugar grains (most pre-packaged snack foods) so carbohydrates can not get their way unnoticed into your diet.

Cutting back on how often you eat can have a negative impact on your diet plateau as well. Small, frequent meals are more satisfying and produce better weight-loss results than the same number of calories consumed in three large meals. Take advantage of healthy snacks like protein bars, soy nuts and fresh vegetable and fruit slices. Eating more of the right kinds of food is a much smarter plan of action to break a healthy weight loss plateau than starving yourself.

Healthy Weight Loss Plateau Breaker #3: Drink Green Tea

Whenever I want to lose 5 or 10 pounds of stubborn belly fat, I drink more green tea. Packed with more vitamins and antioxidants than any other drink, green tea is an all-natural way to give yourself energy to compliment your enthusiasm for losing weight. The best part, however, is that green tea has the amazing ability to actually speed up your metabolism! You will notice results right away with just one cup, but the more you drink it, the more you will want it!

Healthy Weight Loss Plateau Breaker #4: Keep Your Incentive Strong

The body achieves what the mind believes. If you don't believe you can make it past the hurdle of a weight loss plateau, you probably won't. You'll give up before you have a chance to even try. Focus on re-capturing the determination you felt when you first began your weight-loss program. The excitement of watching the pounds drop one by one should be the focus of your motivation. If it was something that has come and gone, like a high school reunion or a wedding, choose a new goal.

Start keeping a diet journal of everything you eat and drink. You may quickly discover that hidden carbohydrates and sugars are keeping your healthy weight-loss progress stuck at the plateau. Eliminate trigger foods or anything that you think may be contributing to your inability to lose more weight. If you are eating pretzels every day at 2pm, don't starve yourself by not eating if you are hungry at that time...just replace the pretzels with something healthier like fruit or chicken.

Healthy Weight Loss Plateau Breaker #5: Drink More Water

It is extremely important to replenish your fluids by drinking plenty of water on any weight loss program, especially if you are incorporating exercise on a daily basis. An inadequate supply of water can slow down your weight-loss, so carry a water bottle with you wherever you go throughout the day. Keeping well hydrated not only helps you burn fat efficiently, it also helps control hunger.

Follow these 5 steps and you will have a better chance of breaking your healthy weight loss plateau than if youcontinue stressing over the obstacle. Each time you sit down to eat or have a snack, take a moment to become mindful that the food you are about to eat is either taking you one step closer to your goal, or one step away. As you make this mental connection, and dedicate each serving of food or drink to your weight loss, you will naturally be inclined to enjoy the foods and drinks that pushed you past your plateau.

Bill Winch is a Personal Wellness Coach whose mission is teaching and coaching others who are struggling with getting healthy, losing weight safely and keeping it off for good. He is also a Certified Business Growth Specialist, former High School and College Business Educator and Counselor, and mentors from his home office in Rochester, NY. If you are interested in receiving his Free Report "9 Weight Loss Myths Exposed" visit his website by clicking on FREE REPORT or by calling him directly at (585) 271-3767 for a free wellness consultation.

HealthDay - THURSDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- By uncovering a mechanism that causes damage to brain synapses during Alzheimer's disease, researchers might have found a key to reducing or preventing nerve degeneration for these patients.

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Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Live Longer

If all we have to do is exercise to live a fuller and healthier life then why isnt everybody doing it? Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated? Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individuals health is not given a high priority until its gone.

Not enough time?

Whether the person realizes it or not, they are just procrastinating. They seem to think that they will have more time in the future. To add to this the longer they wait the lower their health will become. Time must be allocated in your schedule or it will never be done because something will always come up. And lets face it, its no good having a big house and a luxurious car if you are no longer around to enjoy it! If you cant spare 30 consecutive minutes each day then three, ten-minute sessions can still improve your condition.

Too Expensive?

Exercise costs nothing! Just walking each day is enough to ensure a long and healthy life. This is something just about everyone can do so it also provides a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends.


Well at least youre honest! The trick is to find something you enjoy. Try something social like a group walk, tennis, or golf. If you would rather spend time alone then go for a walk, take your headphones, and listen to your favourite music. If you get bored easily then try a Personal Trainer. Even if it only for one session. They can provide you with variety and ideas on how to keep the exercise program interesting.

However it is easy to see why people get confused when trying to improve their lifestyle with so many diets and eating plans that seem to contradict each other. Then theres the abdominal machines, home gyms, and crosstrainers sold through the media that promise great results but always end up as expensive dust collectors.

The trick is to keep it simple.

  • When it comes to your food intake consume low fat meals: it makes sense that the less fat that goes into your mouth, the less fat that will stay on the body.
  • Eat meals with plenty of variety: the more variety, the greater intake of all the required nutrients. And keep portion size relative to what you require: eating low fat foods will still make you put on weight if you are eating enough for two people.
  • Eat foods high in fibre: these foods are more filling.
  • When it comes to exercise, just move more! You must burn more calories than you put into your mouth. Walk to the shops, take the stairs, or hide the remote control for the TV. It all adds up.
  • If you cant exercise on a given day, then be even more vigilant with your food intake.
  • Exercise doesnt have to be hard, just regular. It just takes thirty minutes each day to ward off our biggest killer: heart disease.
So, the simple solution to a healthier body? USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Ray has worked extensively in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years. He has a degree in Exercise Science and is a Level 2 Strength and Conditioning coach. Get more tips at Rays site Free Tips for Weight Loss Program and Meal Planner

HealthDay - THURSDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- By uncovering a mechanism that causes damage to brain synapses during Alzheimer's disease, researchers might have found a key to reducing or preventing nerve degeneration for these patients.

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Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss does not only hinge on watching the food that you eat and the pounds that you lose. It is focused more on an individual's overall health. In fact weight loss programs should never be about lifetime denial and abstinence from foods that make you happy. The ideal weight loss program allows one to adopt an enjoyable eating plan that is not tedious to follow. There are no drastic restrictions on the food and it does not subject you to extreme hunger. One eats well and eats right; there is variety as well as volume, the choices are pro healthy heart and a healthy mind. If serving sizes and the number of servings are adhered to, then the uphill task may be difficult but certainly not unachievable.

Exercise even if moderate is an essential component of any weight loss program. When one is active, one is using up calories that have been accumulated while eating. No activity means that the calories pile up and so do fat cells. Physical activity is not the same as exercise while both are recommended to make a weight loss program a success. Physical activity may just mean being active around the house like cleaning, dusting, mowing, gardening etc. Exercise is the activity which is undertaken as a regime on a regular basis in a repetitive manner with varying intensity. Any form of strenuous exercise needs the doctor's advice more so if one has a medical condition. It is advisable not to push oneself to the limits where there is the possibility of a breakdown. One's stamina and physical fitness can be built up gradually by following the regime regularly. Patience is definitely the name of the game.

If one is clear about the ideal weight that one wants to achieve, then the trick is to start right away and to stay motivated. Remember, there are no magic tricks waiting to happen out of weight loss pills and diet programs. Emphasis on the targets, your determination to follow and achieve what you have set out to do and the motivation to keep your goals in sight makes the seemingly impossible, possible indeed. It is not the weight loss program that is a sure bet, it is your will, your resilience and your endurance that can turn it into a sure bet!

We have a list of some of the best weight loss programs along with diet & exercise programs available. Find a healthy diet fitness program with online.

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Oatmeal Actually Boosts Weight Loss!

As surprising as it may be, the warm comfort breakfast food you ate as a kid is actually a powerful fat burning food source-oatmeal!Packed full of oats, soluble fiber, and protein, oatmeal boosts weight loss and fat burning processes as it keeps consumers feeling fuller longer.

The Fat Burning Powers of Oatmeal

Oatmeal's most powerful fat burning agent is its incredible fiber source.The fiber in oatmeal is soluble, which means that your body slowly moves this food product through your digestive tract, making you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer periods of time.Oatmeal, as well as most other unprocessed whole grains, is an outstanding source of fiber which boosts weight loss results; yet the other key benefit to oatmeal is its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and boost the body's metabolic fat burning engines.

  • Oatmeal and Fiber

As consumers of oatmeal feel more satisfied with the intake of fiber, dieters will feel less tempted to overeat or indulge in snacks or unhealthy temptations.When your hunger pangs are naturally suppressed, you are more capable of limiting the caloric and food intake; as a result, the body begins to feed on stored fat cells in order to generate energy.Simply by consuming oatmeal, the body should naturally go into a fat burning mode, resulting in the utilization of fatty cells for energy, support, and body functioning.

  • Oatmeal and Blood Sugar Levels

As oatmeal boosts the body's intake of fiber, it simultaneously serves as a fat fighting agent because it stabilizes the body's blood sugar levels.Essentially, anytime you consume a food, your body converts the food into glucose, or sugar.This intake of food and rise in glucose levels leads to an immediate energy rush, followed by an inevitable energy crash, as eventually you feel lethargic, tired, and may even experience headaches after eating high-sugar or highly-processed foods.Unlike most foods, however, oatmeal has the opposite glucose-rising effect on the body.As oatmeal's fiber content allows the body to digest this food more slowly, the body does not react to this intake of food by immediately producing glucose and energy; on the contrary, oatmeal keeps the blood sugar levels more stable, as a steady amount of glucose is released at a steady and safe rate.As a result, you'll feel less tired after consuming this fat burning food, and you'll also be less likely to encounter an energy crash later in the day.The greatest fat burning benefit of this helpful side-effect is that the body's natural response to tiredness or fatigue is to crave or eat a sugary food or treat, as this will provide the body with quick and short-term energy.Because the body is less likely to feel fatigued when consuming oatmeal, dieters are ultimately less likely to crave sweeter foods and unhealthy snack options; therefore, dieters can again avoid temptations with minimal physical cravings or distractions, allowing the body to continue to burn up fat stores for energy supplies.

Choosing the Best Fat Burning Oatmeal Products

While dieters will benefit from traditional or instant oatmeal, individuals can also try out new and scientifically engineered oatmeal products in order to experience enhanced fat burning benefits.For example, companies today, such as Quaker Oats and Kashi, sell oatmeal varieties that are higher in protein.When paired with the natural benefit of fiber, this added protein boost will help consumers feel even more satisfied and satiated, again reinforcing the body's ability to limit caloric intake while burning stored body fat.

When perusing the oatmeal aisle at the grocery store, however, avoid the sugar-laden sweeter varieties, as an excess in sugar will essentially eliminate all of the fat burning potentials that oatmeal has to offer.If you can't eat your oatmeal plain, add some nuts, a small amount of honey (as this is a natural and unprocessed sugar), or a handful of blueberries into your bowl.This will add a bit of natural flavor without stealing all of your fat burning benefits!Also, as you are experiencing enhanced fat burning benefits, keep in mind that a steady intake of oatmeal as part of a regular diet also lowers harmful cholesterol levels, and lowers risks of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.Eat up, lose weight, and enjoy all of the wellness perks of oatmeal.

John Hartie is a recognised authority on fat burning foods, his website, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about fat burning foods.

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Juicing for Weight Loss

Healthy living is a lifetime commitment, a commitment made easier with juicing for weight loss and juicing for health. Thats the reason why fad diets may come and go. Juicing machines make weight loss juicing at home a reality, and our heavily researched juicing information provides useful tips on weight loss and dieting tips for juice lovers. You will lose weight juicing if you consume any type of juices from Green Star juicers and wheatgrass juicers to Champion commercial juicers and other fruit and vegetable juicers, and above all you will find the health food products and the knowledge that get you in a good shape too.

Replacing some meals with fresh juice helps you eliminate fat and cholesterol from your diet if you notice that most vegetables and fruits are fat-free and low in calories.

Juices are high in carbs, if you are watching your carbs, stick to green vegetables, berries and melons.

Fresh juices can help to reduce feelings of hunger or cravings - a big help when on a weight loss diet, by quenching your appetite.

Some of them are appetite stimulants kike coriander and basil.

Fresh carrot or parsley juices are especially effective in curbing appetite and cravings by helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Some others are natural diuretics and can help eliminate water retention (asparagus, cucumber, leek, cranberry, celery and watermelon juices).

Do not throw away the pulp after preparing a juice! When you juice your fruits and vegetables you are removing the beneficial fiber from them. Put that fiber back into your diet by using your leftover pulp in soups and healthy baked goods, or stir a little of the pulp back into the juice before drinking it.

You can always experiment to find tasty recipes, but here are some to get you started.

*Papaya Passion*

-1 medium Papaya

-1 red delicious apple

-5 dates (pitted)

Blend everything and prepare for something out of this world!

*Strawberry Delight*

-4-8 strawberries

-1-2 Bananas

-8-10 dates

*Mango Magic*

-1-2 ripe mangos (peeled)

-8 dates (pitted)

-Juice of one orange

*Durian Deck*

-24 oz of durian

-1/2 orange

-Blend both

*My Milk Shake* tastes much better than yours...!

-2 cups of Durian

-8 dates

-2 bananas

-1 tsp of Carob powder

If you are not sure about these recipes you can experiment everything that includes vegetable or juice or even both juices. Let your imagination free and put your senses in to action. All you have to do is have some fruits and vegetables, a juicing machine and you can fly through the magic world of a healthy life created by juices.

Juicing to lose weight is healthy for the body and this will get you in a good shape too. Juicing and following a diet will help you lose weight instantly, this is a renowned weight lose program and is admitted by most of the dieters.

Juicing you will say hello to health and happiness!!!

I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!

HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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Fat Loss Basics

Fat loss is a tricky thing. Many people are looking for the best way to shed pounds and look thinner. Often, they look so hard for the best way to achieve a fast fat loss that they miss some of the basic rules of fat loss. This is a shame because losing weight doesn't have to be as complicated as some people make it. In fact, it can be quite simple.

Losing fat is all about creating a calorie deficit: burning more calories than you eat. However, you still need to remember that a healthy body is always a well fed body, so starving yourself silly is not the way to achieve a long term fat loss. In fact, it can backfire and leave you heavier than you started. However, there are some things which influence this simple process and are worth remembering.

Let's go over some fat loss basics so that you'll have a game plan to work with:

1. Fat Loss is something which you can achieve at any age. Indeed, the younger you are the easier it gets but people shed pounds into their 70's and you can do the same with enough determination.

2. Fast fat loss isn't always the best kind there is for long term results. Often, it is best to do things gradually to let your body get used to the process. That being said, you can and should aspire to achieve fantastic results, not mediocre ones.

3. Your weight is something you control for the most part. Indeed, genetics come into play, but you can still influence how you look and the way you feel by taking care of yourself.

4. Each of us has weight trouble spots where the weight just piles on. This is something which may make you unhappy but is natural. Don't fall into the trap of trying to lose weight from your trouble spots alone. It doesn't work that way. You lose body fat in general and not from a specific area. Work on your entire body and your trouble spots will diminish as well.

5. Working out isn't enough to burn flab. You need to follow a fat loss eating plan as well as be physically active. Combine the 2 and you will achieve long lasting results.

6. This isn't all about your appearance. Remember that you will also feel better and be healthier when you shed those excess pounds.

7. Motivation plays a key role in how you lose weight and tone up. Remain focused on your goals. Don't let other people influence how you feel or bring you down, and remember, each road has certain bumps. Yours will not be different.

I lost weight in the past after trying and failing for several times. You can do this. Begin the process today.

I've included 2 resources here which will help you on your way. Make sure to visit both pages. To read about an excellent diet to help you control your appetite and lose weight, visit this webpage:
Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To get more detailed information on how to shed pounds, tone up, and feel great, click here:

AP - A suburban New York county has adopted the nation's first ban on the chemical found in plastic baby bottles and sippy cups.

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Weight Loss Supplements Review 3

There are so many different weight loss supplements out there such that you may not have heard of many of these names before. Which weight loss supplements would you use, or avoid? Here are some for your information:

Banital - a supplement that focuses mainly on controlling your carbohydrate intake and metabolism. Mainly a weight loss pill rather than an overall body enhancement supplement.

BioLean II - claims to be different from the main weight loss supplements in terms of not producing side effects due to the ingredients. Aids In weight loss, muscle toning, increased energy levels and higher alertness.

AmbiSlim PM - a unique supplement that focuses on cutting down weight while you are sleeping. Research shows that 7+ hours of quality sleep reduces the chance of being obese, so this supplement ensures that you have good sleep every night.

Calogel - a group of weight loss supplements (comes in pills or liquid) that aid in morning, day weight loss, or both. Does not contain stimulants and caffeine. Also aids in cutting weight while sleeping.

Certiphene - a supplement that has come under fire for being a scam. Whether you want to give it a try or not is up to you. Claims to aid in losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time.

Weight loss supplements work best with proper dieting and exercise. No one can run away from the latter two because they work hand in hand with supplements to produce better and faster results. Learn how to manage your weight loss regime with a proper programme and supplement intake.

Weight loss info -

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.


Low Carb Diet Plans

There are a number of diet plans available which you can select depending upon the kind of weight loss you want. These diet plans do not put you on a strict diet and ban you from eating the food of your choice, but guide you to eat want you want in a healthier way.

Different types of diet plans are available, like the Atkins diet, Carbohydrate Addicts, Protein Power, the Zone diet, and all other high-protein low-carb diet plans. These diet plans serve different purposes, so you should carefully select the one that is good for you. You should always consult your doctor before selecting a diet plan.

The Atkins diet is not a one-diet plan, but a system to provide a series of dietary phases through which the majority will pass sequentially, as they successfully lose their excess weight. Then there is another plan, called Protein Power, which is a guide to better health and weight loss through diet, nutrition, supplements, and exercise. Sugar busters focuses on cutting sugar to trim fat.

Modulating insulin is the key to the sugar busters diet plan, which says that by controlling the intake of sugar, insulin secretion can be controlled. Carbohydrates in an unrefined form, such as fruits, green vegetables, dried beans and whole grains, require further digestive alteration before absorption, thus modulating insulin secretion, which results in lower average insulin levels and less fat synthesis, storage and weight gain.

Another plan, which is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), is a strict grain-free, lactose-free, and sucrose-free dietary regimen intended for those suffering from Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Celiac Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

All these plans tell you to eat your favorite meat, fish, poultry, cheese, cream, butter and eggs, and green leafy vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, and so on. It is advisable to cut out some foods, such as sugar and cereals, but include small amounts in your menus and take a controlled diet.

Low Carb Diets provides detailed information on Low Carb Diet, Low Carb Diet Foods, Low Carb Diet Plans, Best Low Carb Diets and more. Low Carb Diets is affiliated with Low Cholesterol Diet.

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Green Tea Benefits - Weight Loss and More!

What's so great about Green Tea? What are the benefits and how will it will improve my life?

Green Tea has many benefits and is one of the most popular weight loss products on the market today. It allows you to lose weight quickly and keep it off. Besides weight loss the other benefits are...

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Helps protect against diabetes
  • Reduces heart attacks
  • Improves your memory
  • Sharpens your mental focus
  • Removes toxins from your body
  • Aids in maintaining healthy eyes
  • Protects liver function

There are thousands of sites out there that you can purchase Green Tea and have it shipped right to your door. But how about if you could it make it yourself and make it even more powerful then any other Green Tea? Using this product I have never felt better. Lost 5lbs in a week and my skin is clearing up. This is only from drinking one a day so can you imagine what more then one could do?!

Drinking Green Tea as well as eating a proper diet the weight will seriously just fall off your body. You will feel more energy, feel great because your clothes will become looser, your skin will clear up, you mental health will improve. Green Tea actually curbs your appetite. Feeling less hungry will of course in turn make you eat less. This will also help you save money as well on groceries! The benefits of Green Tea are huge and this is why you see it everywhere. You can buy it everywhere. And everyone is drinking it. Give it a shot, what do you have to lose, but your weight?!

Good Luck and Happy Tea Drinking!

AP - A suburban New York county has adopted the nation's first ban on the chemical found in plastic baby bottles and sippy cups.

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Are Weight Loss Clinics Beneficial?

Many individuals who are attempting to lose weight decide to join a weight loss clinic to promote their efforts. But, do these weight loss clinics really work? Or, do they just suck up your money, not really doing much in the process?

Let's uncover some issues regarding a weight loss clinic you might be thinking of joining.

Community Support

If the particular weight loss clinic you're thinking of joining is showing good community support, this is one big advantage. Studies have shown that dieters who have some type of support system in place typically do better with their weight loss results than those who don't.

But, do keep in mind you are essentially paying for this support.

So, it might be worth your time to ask yourself whether the support you receive is worth the price you pay. If you have a close friend who would be willing to go on a fat loss diet with you, that will be just as good - and it's free!

Calorie Planning Weight Loss Menu

The next reason you may choose to join a weight loss clinic is because they plan out your menu for you. Essentially, they will tell you what you should be eating and when. This can be very beneficial for some people - those who don't have a firm grasp of the eating concepts required to lose weight.

Keep in mind with this factor though that there are many alternative approaches you can take to get around this. Many diets will provide you with an exact menu to eat when on it, so if that's your concern, you don't need a weight loss clinic to do this for you.

Weight Loss Clinics and Prepared Fat Loss Meals

One big strike against weight loss clinics, however, is that often they will come with prepared meals. While this may seem like a good thing - you just eat the meals and you'll lose weight - it isn't. The problem lies in the fact that what are you going to do after you reach your desired weight loss?

Continue on eating their meals? If so, you're really going to burn a whole through your pocket.

Further to that, most of the prepared meals that weight loss clinics do offer aren't exactly satisfying. Some of them may taste good, but you get such tiny serving sizes that they really aren't even enough to feed a small child.

Therefore, it really is best if you stick to preparing your own meals with foods you purchase, as then you'll learn how to eat properly and will be much better off when it comes to maintaining your weight in the future.

To read more about the process of weight loss, learning the concepts behind what it takes to lose weight and to get a complete, easy-to-follow meal plan, try the Cheat Weight Loss Program - where weight loss is actually fun.

Shannon Clark is a certified personal trainer, fitness writer, and co-author. She specializes in helping those looking to make dramatic changes in their body reach their goals. View more information at

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Here are the latest clinical trials, courtesy of

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How to Lose Weight Using Aerobics - 3 Keys Which Will Help You Get Twice the Results Fast

Irrespective of the age group, aerobics are considered the best exercises for weight loss. With the rhythmic motion that they invoke, they quite easily lay the foundation for an increased heart rate. It succors the metabolism and increases the burning rate of calories. This way the flab is shed very fast.

Aerobics helps in reducing cholesterol thereby pepping up the cardiovascular function. It also builds a fort of stamina in your body by pushing in greater amount of oxygen into the body cells. Here are three tips which should be taken care of while doing aerobics if you intend to lose weight.

Do it in rhythmic motion- aerobics benefit perhaps all the dimensions of physiology. Right from the immune system to the muscle tones, it is simply multifaceted but highest benefit can be reaped out of it only when we do it in a rhythmic pattern; this means that the motion should be short, succinct and well stressed out. For instance, while doing a brisk walk it is preferable to indulge in shortened strides. This allows for greater rhythm. It allows for faster burning of calories which helps in more expeditious weight loss.

Be hydrated- it is important to understand that while doing aerobics, we are constantly losing water from the body, if we do not hydrate ourselves, we will suffer stroke so the weight loss objective will not be met. Further, body will form its own water reservoirs. This again means that greater water retention will increase body weight.

Take ample rest- losing weight is great and sometimes we get a lot charged up. However, it is advisable to take rests in between. These are not high intensity exercises but the best way to do it is to take small intervals so that the metabolism gets rest between periods of heating up.

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HealthDay - THURSDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- By uncovering a mechanism that causes damage to brain synapses during Alzheimer's disease, researchers might have found a key to reducing or preventing nerve degeneration for these patients.

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Weight Loss Motivation and How to Get It

You can declare to one and all how you're going to avoid fat like the plague, shun those baked goods and just live on fish and bread. What's missing in your plan for weight loss? Motivation! You know what you should do, you just don't have very specific reasons. Sure, weight loss is a fine objective if you're overweight. The real question is, why do you want to shed those extra pounds?

Before you ever choose your menus, you've got to clearly define what motivates you. Everyone has different reasons. For example, a woman may have her eye on the oh-so attractive guy at work and figures losing ten pounds might catch his eye. A man in a sedentary job has accumulated a bit of a belly. He figures, at 40, he wants to tackle this now for continued popularity with the ladies. Some people find their clothes getting a bit snug, and don't relish the prospect of being forced to buy a new wardrobe. Maybe you just feel sluggish and your weight loss motivation is a desire for more energy. Another weight loss motivation comes from your friendly Doc, who cautions you to lose weight before you jeopardize your health.

These are all legitimate reasons. What you need to do is make your own list of reasons you're going to torment yourself with a strict diet. You need that daily incentive, just to keep you honest with yourself. Then you're far more likely to stick with it and achieve your goal. Your list should include as many good weight loss motivational ideas as you can come up with and you don't want to hurry through this process! If possible, inject some humor, too. (What comes to mind here is that Far Side cartoon, where a man puts a cat into some ridiculous contraption, with the cat emerging from the other end as a dog.) An utter transformation, just as you'll emerge from that nasty diet, with a svelte figure!

Take a week for this worthy project. Add something new each day. "I won't get depressed trying to fit into my jeans." Promise yourself something special, of increasing value, for each week you stick with the program. No, dinner at the fast food as a reward is inappropriate here. Beauty treatments work well with women. With men, reverse psychology sometimes works. If you don't cheat, yes you can watch the football game on Sunday. Setting aside a cash reward, which increases weekly, to be spent as you please when you achieve your goal is popular with everyone.

Now, what to do with your personal list of weight loss motivation? Well, it's up to you, whether you brazenly tack it up on the frig, or hide it in your nightstand. Just go over it every day, or any time you're about to shuck it all. It'll work!

Cazza Burke is a full time beauty consultant in San Diego, CA. Check out these great Colon Cleansing Diets advice and tips.

AP - A suburban New York county has adopted the nation's first ban on the chemical found in plastic baby bottles and sippy cups.

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Understanding Rapid Weight Loss

Weight loss and understanding one's body are the two elements that make up rapid weight loss. It is essential that we understand how our natural beauty helps us to understand out essential being and our physical bodies, because everyone tries to lose weight. Our everyday living is made possible by the many cells, organs, and bones that our bodies consist of. We would cease to exist without these characteristics. We should try to do everything in our power to not fail our bodies - this is very important. We need to eat the recommended portions of grains, dairy, and meat, everyday as well as drink at least 6 glasses of water each day as well.

The process of losing weight fast for quick results and keeping it off throughout the year is what rapid weight loss is essentially comprised of. A person must remember to eat when hungry (but not in excessive amounts), watch the amount of carbs they consume, exercise daily, and watch their portion sizes in order to thrive and continue to lose weight. In order to confront pessimism, which is bound to come up from time to time, it's important to know the best strategies. It's easy for someone to forget about their rapid weight loss programs and stop exercising when faced with pessimism. However, they need to stick to their commitment for themselves and their bodies.
Here are some signs to watch for if you are unsure if you or someone you care about is suffering from pessimism:

  • Not taking pride in the way you look
  • Mad at one's self in relation to food and the way you look
  • Making excuses that keep you from working out
  • Not wanting to workout
  • Sad and irate

It is important to pay attention to when our bodies tell us to stop and when to go, for greater understanding of our bodies. It is important for an individual to get at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, according to the Department of Health.
A low stress, care free environment is also important for our bodies to live in. Enrolling in yoga or pilates classes are a couple of ways to relieve stress. They are an excellent way to stay in shape, and they can help reduce the amount of stress your body takes as well. You can also maintain rapid weight loss and relieve stress by keeping a journal of what types of food you're consuming and how often you exercise.

Teh Fuzz writes about rapid weight loss, and good suggestions for rapid weight loss.

In this Dec. 9, 2008 file photo, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., waits to start a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.  'We have come to what I hope will be an historic occasion, and that is finally doing something about the harm that tobacco does to thousands and thousands of Americans who die each year,' Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., said Wednesday evening as lawmakers debated his Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.   (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)AP - Anti-smoking forces won a long-awaited victory Thursday as the House passed legislation that would give the federal government key controls over the tobacco industry for the first time.

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