Fast Weight Loss

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weight Loss - Emotional Triggers

A "trigger" is something that sets in motion a sequence of behaviors. Many times we regret how we react to these triggers which may trigger other emotions. We're start playing the song that never ends. What feelings trigger overeating or unplanned eating for you? How do you react to these emotions? It's not unusual for people to eat when we're happy, sad, angry, frustrated, lonely or bored. Emotional eating may make us feel better for a moment but, the effects last a lot longer.

Believe it or not there's a positive intention behind every behavior, even though what we're doing may seem negative or not helpful at all. I know it's hard to believe. What possible intention might there be by me consuming a container full of cashews. The fact is that we're doing it because it benefits us in some way or we wouldn't be doing it. However, if we are to control our weight we need to control the food that's controlling us and we can do that by managing our feelings in a way to get the same benefit without food.

What benefit do you get from eating when stress, bored or sad? Now, what non-food behaviors will give you that same benefit without eating? For instance when we're bored we tend to look for something to eat not because we're hungry but because we're looking for something to do even if what we're doing is watching TV. What we're really looking for is something to do with our hands. So, pick up needle point, a cross word puzzle, paint your nails or whatever else interests you other than the fridge.

Emotional eating doesn't really resolve the feeling, it often makes it worse. Yet, we continue to do it. If you cut your finger would you stick it in a jelly doughnut hole to make it better? Of course not because we know we need a band-aid to stop the bleeding but, we'll eat that jelly doughnut to make us feel better.

To help manage our behaviors ask these questions:

  • What behavior do I want to change
  • What does that behavior get for me
  • What other way can I get that same benefit without food
  • What other way will I try

Unless you try another way nothing will change because sticking a bleeding finger in a jelly doughnut doesn't work and neither does emotional eating. Recognizing emotional eating when it occurs will help you find better ways to manage your feelings than by eating. Stop feeding the emotion that's eating you.

Have a Great and Successful Week,


Corporate Speaker and Weight Loss Coach Stephen Parzuchowski publishes Changing Our Weighs a weekly eZine that offers motivating and informative articles, delicious recipes, recommended readings and answers to FAQ's. If you're ready to jump-start your weight loss success, become healthier, have more fun and live a more vibrant life, visit and start living your life your weigh TODAY!

2008 ChangingOurWeighs, LLC.

HealthDay - FRIDAY, March 20 (HealthDay News) -- More than 75 percent of candidates for fire and ambulance services in Massachusetts are either overweight or obese, a situation that has major consequences for public health and safety, researchers say.

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