Fast Weight Loss

Monday, March 30, 2009

Chinese Weight Loss Teas - How Do They Work?

There are many weight loss products out there that we are quite familiar with. However, what do people from the other side of the global use for weight loss? This article introduces some natural ingredient ways that people from the Orient use for burning those extra unwanted fats: Chinese weight loss tea.

Chinese Weight Loss Teas: how do they work?
Among the many teas and herbs that the Chinese use for weight loss purposes, two are making their name known across Western civilization: the Pu-Erh and Oolong tea. The Japanese have had vending machines selling Pu-Erh and Oolong tea for many many years.

Here is a summary of the theories on how these weight loss teas works.

  • The teas act as a metabolic stimulant, helping you to burn more calories and fats by increasing your body functions.
  • There are only four calories per serving in the tea (when you drink it black with no additives). This is a very good alternative beverage choice for people on diets if they are bored of water.
  • The Pu-Erh tea, one of the most popular in-meal beverages in China, is believed to help fat metabolism and decrease blood cholesterol levels in frequent drinkers.
  • The teas contain poly phenols, which helps to burn fat in your body.
  • In addition to weight loss benefits, many Chinese teas contain special enzymes, micro nutrients and microbes that are essential for the body's well-being. These are created by the unique double fermentations the teas go through when being prepared for consumption.

As you can imagine, the Chinese weight loss tea alone cannot help you lose weight and keep fit. However, in combination of proper diet and regular exercise the teas can benefit your body by doubling the effects of other proper weight loss efforts.

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