Fast Weight Loss

Thursday, February 12, 2009

3 Fast and Easy Weight Loss Rules

You want to lose weight and you want to lose it NOW. But when your current habits and current state of health reflect otherwise, you may not know where to begin.

Here is how I got one of my dear family members jumpstarted on the road to fast and easy weight loss and exactly where you can start too.

Picture this. I am at a cousin's house, enjoying another great barbeque. If there is anything that is guaranteed at one of my family functions it's always LOTS OF FOOD!

Just as we're chowing down on steaks, chicken legs, hamburgers and hot dogs, (I swear, I was not the one eating the hot dogs) my uncle came up to me and said "Hey Isabel. Your mom says her knees don't hurt anymore like they did last year. My knees are killing me. What do you think is wrong with them?" (All the while he's still chomping down on his second hot dog and cola).

"Well Tio (I speak Spanish to all of my relatives) let me give it to you straight. (Look of fear in his eyes). This past year my mom, your sis, lost 40 lbs. That's 40 lbs less weight that her knees have to carry around. Of course they feel better. I guarantee if you lost a few lbs. yourself, your knees would stop hurting."

At this point Tio looks like he wishes he had just asked me about the weather, the upcoming election or even quantum physics, ANYTHING but be told that he needs to lose weight.

"Isabel, I'm 60 years old and I have been this fat forever. I wouldn't even know where to start."

So I gave him 3 fast and easy weight loss rules to follow.

"Tio, follow these three rules and I guarantee you, better yet, I promise you, you will lose a minimum of 10 lbs. in 14 days."

1. Don't eat anything that is white. Name every single food that is white and chances are you shouldn't be eating it. Ok, I know, cauliflower is white but based on Tio's current eating habits, I didn't think he was going to be shedding any tears over cauliflower. What I'm really talking about is white flour, white sugar, and milk. White foods like chicken and turkey breast and fish are ok to eat.

2. Only drink water, NOTHING else! How about coffee? Just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee. Can you add half and half?...Well is it white?

3. Don't eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredients list. What if it's whole wheat? Look, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h e a in between, you can't eat it.

I have set hundreds of clients up with these 3 fast and easy weight loss rules and the results have been outstanding.

Where do you need to begin to finally lose the weight and achieve the health you've been wanting? Is it to follow rules 1, 2 and 3 above? Or are you ready to take your life to the next level?

Don't let one more day go by without feeling and looking as great as I know you can!

Learn "The Top 5 Essential Truths You Must Know Before You Go on Any Diet Ever Again" from Isabel De Los Rios at

Isabel is a nutrition, exercise and lifestyle coach who has helped hundreds of people lose their unwanted weight and take complete control of their health. She is the author of The Diet Solution Program, a complete and comprehensive nutrition program that is helping people all over the world finally reach their ideal weight. For more information on The Diet Solution Program and how it can help to change your life, visit

Reuters - The rate at which people with dementia lose their memory differs significantly according to the type of dementia they have, new research from France suggests. The research also highlights the importance of early health care in elderly people who develop dementia.

Calories To Lose Weight

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