Fast Weight Loss

Friday, April 3, 2009

Herbal Way to Lose Weight Fast and Cleanse Toxins at the Same Time

A lot of your weight is just plain crap, intestinal gunk. The average person contains over ten pounds of this funky crap glued to their intestines, and unless you remove it then it will stay there forever, and build up faster and faster. This funky crap can cause you to gain more and more weight as time passes because it makes your body metabolize slower and slower. Eventually it can cause cancer, high blood pressure, low energy, diabetes, heart problems, and so many other things. In fact it is nearly guaranteed to harm you in the long run.

It is because of our diets that we have this problem. High meat diets, high grease, butter, lard, fat, preservatives, chemicals, lack of vegetables and fruits, any reason that any of this sounds good for us? I don't think so. This funky crap just sits their rotting inside of you, the more of it you have the faster it builds up, which does two things: You gain weight because of the funky rotting crap in your intestines, and you then gain even more weight because it slows down your metabolism, which then causes more funk to build up, and so on. If you have a lot of this funk then it can be even harder to lose weight, because your metabolism is slowed down because of it. You cannot burn fat as fast. So if you ever thought exercise is just not working for you like it does for others, then I would say that intestinal funk is at least one of the problems.

What I am referring to is an herbal colonic, you mix it in a blender and drink it. As said its herbal and completely natural. Me and a friend have been taking this for going on two months. I am not overweight at all but I lost ten pounds all in crap. I was so full of crap and didn't even know it. I am down to the weight I should naturally be at, which I wasn't far from in the first place but still. I have way more energy, everything just seems faster. My friend who started taking it first lost about 15 pounds in the first week, but he is bigger than me.

When you lose weight using this method it stays off, because your metabolism is sped up. When you exercise it has way more effect, what you eat doesn't affect you as much because you metabolize it faster. There is just so many advantages. This isn't just for being overweight, I recommend it for anybody who wants to get rid of the toxins that are holding them back. If you want to learn details and want to buy some yourself then visit my blog, I have a link straight to them. This is the best herbal health product I have ever come across, its great for your HEALTH, that is the root of everything you do, even losing weight, and its effects are dramatic. If you want more details from the manufacturer themselves visit my website below.

Herbal Health - Intestinal Cleansing for Weight Loss and Health.

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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