Fast Weight Loss

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fat Loss Answers

Im going to give you all the answers youll need to burn fat. Enjoy!

Q: Ive followed most of your nutrition advice as well as purchased a few nutritional information products. Ive managed to drop a good amount of weight but I have hit a wall. I decided that my carbohydrates were too low so a few weeks ago I began cycling them. I was able to drop a few more pounds but nothing great. Do you have any tips for fat loss? - Nancy

A: Your problem can be answered in two simple steps. While I do suspect that you have over dieted, meaning that you dieted for too long that you need to increase your calories. This is a common issue with females but I am going to assume that is not your problem since you seem to have a good idea of correct eating. Here are two suggestions

1) Add in more light active recovery work in. The problem with many dieters is that they simply focus on their weight training and aerobic work, nothing more. While it is true that most people over exercise, not enough people are performing light circuits on their off day or after exercise to further increase their energy usage. It is as simply as going for a walk with a weighted vest on, performing light sled pulling (I typically perform this 1 to 2 times a week at local parks) or adding in light medicine ball circuits. The med ball doesnt have to heavy, 10 or 12 pounds. An effective circuit would look like this.

-Rotation throws

-One arm wall bounces

-Front loaded squats

-Throws for distance

-Side throw downs

Ive had my clients perform this circuit for 2-4 sets of 20 reps and have seen improved results in both fat loss and recovery. Best of all it takes about 5 minutes

2) Correct diet planning. This is another big failure for most people, even those who know that they have to eat every two hours. People just dont plan correctly. If you want to give yourself a chance at success you've got to pre-cook and pre-plan. You say that you have a good of nutritional information so I will take your word on it.

Q: Help! I went bathing suit shopping this weekend and need to tighten some areas up before I step into the sand. This isn't a one piece either, help I need to lose fat!-Lee

A: I'm going to assume that you have trained hard and are already pretty lean. Here's some suggestions to lose fat

-Focus on your upper back, abs, arms and glutes/hamstring since they are the most noticeable areas in your bathing suit.

-Prioritize deadlifts, under hand rows, single leg deadlifts, steps-ups and bridges to bring up your back and glutes/hamstring.

-Prioritize heavy reverse and hammer curls for your arms and weighted, heavy ab work to make those areas "pop".

These should make you lose fat fast.

About The Author
Jimmy Smith, CSCS, is a body enhancement coach who has helped individuals and athletes of all levels from high school to the top collegiate and national ranks in reaching their elite performance and body enhancement goals. Although Jimmy is well versed in several bodies of knowledge, he specializes in performance and body enhancement as well as biomechanics as it relates to injury rehabilitation and human movement. In addition, Jimmy is currently advancing his education as a masters degree student in Human Movement and writes for various online magazines.

Visit Jimmys website to sign up for his FREE newsletter that contains a FREE report with exclusive fat loss information.

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